Sister of Gladys Berejiklian defends her sibling against trolls who mocked the leader for her nose 

The youngest sister of New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has hit back to trolls on her sibling’s social media page, calling some of them ‘sheep’ and telling others to ‘relax’. 

Social media trolls took to the premier’s Instagram page recently and began to pick at Ms Berejiklian’s appearance among a slew of comments defending live music.

Corporate executive Mary Berejiklian decided to take it upon herself to fight the trolls and lashed out against them.

The youngest sister of New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has hit back to trolls on her sister’s social media page (pictured Mary Berejiklian left with Gladys Berejiklian)

Corporate executive Mary Berejiklian decided to take it upon herself to fight the trolls and lashed out against them

Corporate executive Mary Berejiklian decided to take it upon herself to fight the trolls and lashed out against them

On many of the comments with the hashtag #dontkilllivemusic, Ms Berejiklian replied with a simple ‘LetsGetItDoneNSW’. 

However, to others who left more detailed comments under the premier’s Instagram photos, the youngest sister didn’t keep it as sweet.

After one user brought up the topic of festivals, Ms Berejiklian told them they didn’t make sense and to ‘relax go read or something’. 

When another user threatened the premier would be gone after the state election in March, her sister replied saying: ‘how about you get losty’. 

Another person who left their opinion under the premier’s photo by saying she ‘sucked’ was told by her younger sister: ‘Grow some pubes then we can talk’.

Under another of the premier’s Instagram photos a user made a comment about her sister’s ‘f**k-off bird nose’, and Ms Berejiklian unleashed.

‘Disgusting 12-year-old — you even allowed to have an account? You have an immature bird brain that can’t come up with anything better than a bullying personal attack,’ the corporate executive wrote.

To others who left more detailed comments under the premier's Instagram photos, the youngest sister didn't keep it her replies sweet

To others who left more detailed comments under the premier’s Instagram photos, the youngest sister didn’t keep it her replies sweet

Social media trolls took to the premier's Instagram page recently and began to pick at Ms Berejiklian's appearance among a slew of comments defending live music, which her sister (pictured) defended

Social media trolls took to the premier’s Instagram page recently and began to pick at Ms Berejiklian’s appearance among a slew of comments defending live music, which her sister (pictured) defended

The user replied, attempting to defend themselves by claiming the culture of music is dying because of the crackdown on festivals.

Ms Berejiklian hit back once more: ‘A baboon could tell your age based on your behaviour and sophistication in your writing.’ 

Another Instagram user questioned why ‘whoever runs your Instagram’ would choose to work for ‘this horrid person’. 

The premier’s youngest sister replied with: ‘better than being a bludger like you’. 

When one person attacked the premier with a simple ‘I hate you’, her sister was quick to come to her defence when they said she had a ‘huge nose’. 

‘Good that’s why I can sniff out crap like you a milk away…’ she wrote.

Under another of the premier's Instagram photos a user made a comment about her sister's 'f**k-off bird nose', and Ms Berejiklian unleashed

Under another of the premier’s Instagram photos a user made a comment about her sister’s ‘f**k-off bird nose’, and Ms Berejiklian unleashed

When another person claimed she was the premier’s ‘lesbian lover’, Ms Berejiklian called them ‘trash’ for ‘making fun of lesbians’.  

Ms Berejiklian told one user she had ‘more respect for possums’ when they described her sister as being ‘useless’. 

Another user, who tried discussing how Sydney’s night-life was taking a hit because of the ‘war on festivals’, was told they were a ‘sheep’. 

‘You have become a sheep and rattling off the same BS that doesnt (sic) make sense. You don’t even know what policies you are arguing,’ Ms Berejiklian wrote.

The corporate executive is extremely protective of her older sister, as the premier took it upon herself to care for her younger sisters while their parents worked full-time.

The corporate executive is extremely protective of her older sister, as the premier took it upon herself to care for her younger sisters while their parents worked full-time (pictured, Gladys Berejiklian with her parents and sisters)

The corporate executive is extremely protective of her older sister, as the premier took it upon herself to care for her younger sisters while their parents worked full-time (pictured, Gladys Berejiklian with her parents and sisters)

Mary Berejiklian used her Instagram arround @mishka_bishka and defended her sister against social media trolls

Mary Berejiklian used her Instagram arround @mishka_bishka and defended her sister against social media trolls

Talking to The Daily Telegraph, she said her sister didn’t deserve to be personally attacked ‘by a minority of cowardly people’, although she admits some of the responses weren’t her ‘finest’. 

‘Glad has worked hard and passionately for the people of NSW and this hasn’t been limited to these past two years but since she was 17 years of age,’ she said. 

‘She doesn’t deserve being personally attacked by a minority of cowardly people hiding behind the comfort of their online social media accounts, hurling profanities with no ramifications.’.

‘I didn’t want any of these online bullies getting a free hit and I have no doubt several were shocked that someone fought back.’

Mary Berejiklian she said her sister didn't deserve to be personally attacked 'by a minority of cowardly people', although she admits some of the responses weren't her 'finest'

Mary Berejiklian she said her sister didn’t deserve to be personally attacked ‘by a minority of cowardly people’, although she admits some of the responses weren’t her ‘finest’