Sisters who lost their mom to cancer film a hilarious ‘confessions’ video in her honor – laying bare all the mistakes they’ve made without her around to help them

Two sisters who lost their mother to pancreatic cancer have turned their grief into joy by sharing a hilarious video in which they air all of the ‘confessions’ that they have to share with their late mom. 

Katie Riggins, 33 and Sara Wollner, 30, lost their 63-year-old mother Karen to pancreatic cancer last year – and now they have found a unique way to express just how much they miss her by sharing the many mistakes they’ve made without her there to guide them. 

‘Confessions to our dead mom,’ the sisters  captioned the video, which has been viewed over 20.6 million times. 

Katie and Sara, who also have an older sister, Megan Dixon, were raised by their mom after their dad passed away when they were young.

Katie Riggins (left) and Sara Wollner (right) shared their hilarious confessions video to TikTok, sharing things their mother has missed since she passed away

Their mom Karen (right) passed away from pancreatic cancer at age 63. Katie and Sarah are pictured with their older sister Megan Dixon

Their mom Karen (right) passed away from pancreatic cancer at age 63. Katie and Sarah are pictured with their older sister Megan Dixon

In honor of November’s Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, they recorded the post-death-bed confession session.

‘So, our mom died a little over a year ago and these are some of the things that we’d like to confess to her, that have happened since she died,’ Sara begins the TikTok.

‘Number one, we didn’t know that we had to file your taxes,’ she started, as the women erupted into hysterical laughter.

‘Nope,’ Katie added, as they both continue to giggle uncontrollably. 

‘I didn’t know that I needed to get my own (car) insurance…(I drove) an uninsured car for seven months and then suspended your license plates — and mine,’ she continued. ‘So I couldn’t drive either car.’

‘We know you had the same license plate for years, so R.I.P. to AZK or whatever the numbers were,’ Sara added.

‘And to you, mom,’ Katie added.

Sara then confessed she had to miss her older sister’s baby shower because she had such a bad stomach virus, and Katie had to host it alone.

‘Megan was a good sport though,’ Sara added. ‘Sorry about that.’

Katie admitted she tried to do a charity walk for cancer but couldn’t finish it. 

‘And I think I broke my foot,’ she added.

The sisters made a part 2 of their hilarious confessions due to popular demand

The sisters made a part 2 of their hilarious confessions due to popular demand 

The three sisters were raised by Karen, a single mom, after their dad passed away when they were young (Sara, Katie and Megan pictured)

The three sisters were raised by Karen, a single mom, after their dad passed away when they were young (Sara, Katie and Megan pictured) 

The women said their mom would have wanted them to cope using humor, and she was very funny herself

The women said their mom would have wanted them to cope using humor, and she was very funny herself

They ended the viral video with Sara confessing why she didn’t cry at her mom’s funeral.

‘It’s because I was so pregnant that if I cried, I would have thrown up,’ she said, as the women wheezed with laugher.

The clip blew up, with the sister’s amazed at how many people have viewed – and watched – the TikTok.

‘We wanted to share a glimpse into our reality of trying to navigate our lives without our mom,’ Sara explained the ‘I think a lot of people who lose their parents at a young age feel isolated, and may be unsure of others who are in their same situation.’ 

‘I think we struck a chord with a lot of people – so many people have faced a significant loss in their lives and you don’t see that being talked about a lot at all on social media,’ Sara reflected.

She continued: ‘I think we’ve started to really create a community and a corner of the internet where people can connect and laugh with others through their grieving process.’

The video was so popular the sisters made a second one, with confessions including accidently breaking their mom’s ‘really nice Dyson vacuum cleaner’ and forgetting to put a name on her gravestone.

‘We didn’t know that the funeral home wasn’t in charge of putting your name on your headstone, so we had to find someone to call and do that for you,’ Katie said through fits of laughter.

The video amassed thousand of comments from users, many of whom were dealing with similar feelings of grief

The video amassed thousand of comments from users, many of whom were dealing with similar feelings of grief 

The sister’s also explained why they took a leisurely trip to the mall the day of their mom’s funeral.

‘It’s cause we literally didn’t know what to do with our time,’ Sara confessed. 

‘But then we realized at the mall, none of us called the funeral home,’ she recalled. ‘So I called and took that call from the middle of the mall.’

The sister’s assured viewers (and Karen) there are plenty more stories to come and they’ll get their older sister involved in their confessions soon. 

‘And to mom, this goes out to you. We’ll continue, as Katie said, to disappoint you as time goes on. Love you,’ Sara quipped.

The sisters said laugher has always been a big part of their family, and having a sense of humor was important to their mom. 

‘[Mom]would absolutely be shaking her head and in a fit of laughter,’ Sara shared. 

‘We told our mom everything and she was by far our biggest supporter and best friend,’ she continued. ‘So if she was here she would be laughing right along with everyone and loving it!’

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Thousands of TikTok viewers  commented on the post, many thanking the women for their refreshing video.

‘Oh man. My mom died in July. I had NO IDEA how much I needed this post,’ one viewer wrote.

‘My mom died in April. Thank you, I needed this laugh,’ added another. ‘(Note to self: file her taxes next year.’

‘I lost my mom over a year and a half ago and I’ve been very depressed BUT seeing this video and your perspective is so refreshing and heartwarming,’ one TikTok user wrote.

‘My mom passed on October 15th and I hope to be able to laugh like this soon!’ another wrote hopefully. ‘My mom was always smiling and laughing! She would love this!’

For Sara and Katie, they’re happy if they can make some people happy. 

‘If we could bring a smile or a laugh to anyone’s faces going through something similar – that’s a win in our book,’ Sara said.
