Six in court over far-right National Action charges

Five men and a woman have appeared in court to deny being members of the banned far-right terror group National Action.

The six are accused of being members of the organisation – said to stir up racial hatred and promote an exclusively white society – over the course of last year.

Joel Wilmore, 24, of Stockport, Darren Fletcher, 28, of Wolverhampton, Nathan Pryke, 26, of March, Cambridgeshire Daniel Bogunovic, 26, of Leicester, Adam Thomas, 21, and Claudia Patatas, 38, both of Banbury, appeared before Westminster Magistrates court this morning.

Patatas, a Portuguese national, wept as the charges against the group were read out today.

Five men and a woman have appeared in court over allegations they were members of banned far-right group National Action. Pictured: File photo of the group’s protest in Bolton in 2016

All six indicated not guilty pleas to a joint charge of being a member of a proscribed organisation contrary to the Terrorism Act.

Thomas also faces charges with possessing the Anarchist Cookbook, likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. 

Fletcher faces additional charges of five counts of breaching an anti-social behaviour order.

Bogunovic is also charged with inciting terrorism by displaying threatening, abusive and insulting written material, namely stickers, at Aston University campus in Birmingham which could stir up racial hatred. 

Thomas was seen smiling and chatting to Fletcher as the charges were read out.

Each defendant, apart from Wilmore, wore a grey prison issue tracksuit and are all British aside from Patatas, the court heard.

The six appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court today after their arrests last week

The six appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court today after their arrests last week

Upon indicating a not guilty plea, Bogunovic, who has Serbian heritage, said: ‘I intend to clear my good name and fight these charges from start to finish.’

Jessica Hart, prosecuting, said: ‘There is a deliberate and prolonged involvement with a terrorist organisation immediately after its prescription.

‘They have expressed support for the views of that organisation that a racial war is likely and that they need to prepare for that and that they need to create a white only society.

‘This was continued involvement of over a year they attempted to continue that organisation under the radar.’ 

District judge Emma Arbuthnot denied them all bail. The six are due to appear for an official plea hearing at the Old Bailey on January 19.


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