Six-year-old boy gets stuck in display toilet at store

A six-year-old boy became stuck in a display toilet for several minutes as his parents tried to release him while shopping at a bathroom store in York.

Karen Westmorland, 45, posted video of her son Alfie, 6, wedged into the loo at Better Bathrooms with his dad Marcus, 45, trying desperately to lift him out.

Mr Westmorland is heard asking Alfie to try twisting himself and leaning forward but the dad keeps bursting into a fits of laughter instead.

Alfie is less impressed.  

The young boy can be heard saying, ‘I want out’ and ‘you killed me’ before he is finally freed.

Mrs Westmorland has another son Felix, who is 3. She says Alfie is known to be a bit of a ‘drama queen’. 

She said: ‘The kids were being kids and sort of messing around, climbing inside shower cubicles and baths.

‘They are not particularly well-behaved when they are out and about.’

Six-year-old Alfie Westmorland, pictured, found himself stuck in a display toilet at Better Bathrooms in York

The family was looking for a new bathroom suite and toilet for their home in Leeds. 

According to Mrs Westmorland, Alfie pushed his bum down far into one of the display toilets and became stuck. She remembers asking, ‘why my child?’.

She said: ‘He is a bit of a drama queen. He was absolutely fine afterwards. You could see that from his face when he pinged out.’

While she could not stop laughing, Mrs Westmorland admits to being a bit embarrassed with visions of the fire brigade having to come and release her son.

She said: ‘Everybody else in the store was politely ignoring us. There were people milling around but I think they were pretending we were not there.’

In the end, the family did not buy the toilet. When they were home, however, Alfie managed to get himself stuck in the loo again.

Mrs Westmorland said: ‘As if he hadn’t learned the first time.’