Skippy in Suburbia: Kangaroo spotted in Wetherill Park

  • A kangaroo was found hopping into a front yard on Locke Street in Wetherill Park
  • Romina Pinna, 24, pulled over and videoed the bizarre sight on Monday morning
  • But she was forced to ‘drive off pretty quickly’ when the animal chased her away

A young woman was left in tears of laughter after spotting a kangaroo taking an early morning hop through Sydney’s Wetherill Park.

Romina Pinna was driving down Locke Street on Monday morning when she was forced to slam on the breaks as a kangaroo jumped out in front of her car.

The concerned 24-year-old was pulling over to make sure that it was unhurt when she caught sight of the marsupial wandering around some flower beds.

Romina Pinna was driving on Locke Street when she was a kangaroo going for a morning hop

‘There is a f***ing kangaroo!’ she can be heard yelling in video footage obtained by 9NEWS. ‘What the hell is going on right now?’ 

Intrigued, Ms Pinna pulled up and got out of her car, filming the kangaroo as it explored the front yard and side path of a house.

‘It was super confusing because it’s a very unusual sight for my area,’ she told Daily Mail Australia. ‘But it was also hilarious.’

‘You don’t belong here, man,’ she says in the video, watching the animal stop to lick its paws and make itself at home in the deserted garden.

But the kangaroo seemed to think that it did belong there, because it promptly turned tail and started chasing Ms Pinna back to her car.  

‘It was a very amusing start to the day,’ she said. ‘I’ve never seen a  kangaroo up that close before.’ 

'I drove off pretty quickly after the kangaroo went to run at me,' Romina Pinna told Daily Mail

‘I drove off pretty quickly after the kangaroo went to run at me,’ Romina Pinna told Daily Mail

‘Oh my God, it’s coming!’ she shrieked in the background of the video, almost dropping her phone and sprinting back to the safety of her vehicle.

‘I drove off pretty quickly after it went to run at me,’ she said. ‘But I definitely hope it is safe and that the police have found it.’

It is unknown whether the kangaroo was returned to the bush or attempted to make a home for itself in the Sydney suburbs.