Sleazy landlords offering free rooms in excange for sex

Sleazy landlords are preying on those who can’t afford Sydney’s extortionate rents by offering free accommodation – in exchange for sex.

They’re using popular classified websites, such as Craigslist and Gumtree, to find struggling tenants that fit their criteria and offering them rooms in the city to be paid for with sexual services, reports.

For instance, one landlord in Newtown in Sydney’s inner-west is happy to provide a free room, with bills and internet usage included, for ‘regular three times a week sex.’

Sleazy landlords are offering free accommodation in exchange for sex across Sydney 

The landlords use websites like Gumtree and Craigslist to advertise the free rent (pictured)

The landlords use websites like Gumtree and Craigslist to advertise the free rent (pictured)

However, the tenant must be a woman of either Caucasian, Middle Eastern, European or Latina descent.

A married man in Bella Vista offered a spare room in his four-bedroom house for a ‘fit girl who can be a normal housemate but pays her rent with [no strings attached] ‘fun times.’

But she must also ensure that his wife doesn’t find out – even though she lives there too.

‘Being able to play the part of regular housemate and be descrete [sic] is required,’ he adds.

One landlord is offering free rent as long as the tenant provides 'nude cleaning services'

One landlord is offering free rent as long as the tenant provides ‘nude cleaning services’

Another person has advertised a free city room 'in exchange for sex' for a woman under 30

Another person has advertised a free city room ‘in exchange for sex’ for a woman under 30

Other advertisements show a 'house boy' looking for 'a room to rent for sex' (pictured)

Other advertisements show a ‘house boy’ looking for ‘a room to rent for sex’ (pictured)

One advert tries to entice tenants with massages, manicures and a daily blow wave in 'exchange for regular sex' (pictured)

One advert tries to entice tenants with massages, manicures and a daily blow wave in ‘exchange for regular sex’ (pictured)

Another landlord in St Marys in western Sydney is offering almost a 50 per cent discount to an ‘an attractive, clean, reliable, non-smoking young lady,’ according to

He is happy to charge $110 a week if the woman also provides him with a ’30-40 minute massage with mutual natural oral once a week.’

Otherwise, she can pay $210 per week.

And the practise isn’t limited to just Sydney with landlords from across the country seeking to get sexual favours in return for housing.

One man in Liverpool, NSW, is happy to provide a free place to stay for ‘nude cleaning services.’

In the Melbourne suburb of Dandenong, a man advertises a spare room where the ‘rent is free and so is the sex.’