So much for the second referendum? Jeremy Corbyn meets Tory MPs who back plan for a soft Brexit

So much for the second referendum? Jeremy Corbyn meets with Tory and Labour MPs who back a ‘pragmatic, bridge-building’ soft Brexit that includes freedom of movement

  • Mr Corbyn met MPs including Tories Nick Boles and Sir Oliver Letwin 
  • They discussed ‘a deal that … could bring Leave and Remain voters together’
  • Labour’s Stephen Kinnock called it a ‘detailed and constructive conversation’
  • But the Labour leader agreed to push for a second referendum last month

Jeremy Corbyn has met with a cross-party group of senior MPs who back a soft Brexit in a move which will alarm Labour supporters of a second referendum.

The opposition leader met Tories Tories Nick Boles and Sir Oliver Letwin, and Labour’s Stephen Kinnock and Lucy Powell to discuss their Common Market 2.0 plan.

The proposal is for a Norway-style free trade area deal with the EU that would see the UK continue to follow Single Market rules and retain free movement of people. 

However the plan unveiled in January says that existing mechanisms could be used to control immigration into the UK from the EU.

Jeremy Corbyn will sit down with a cross-party group of MPs to discuss ‘a deal that would be good for jobs and could bring Leave and Remain voters together’

Mr Corbyn had previously offered to support such a deal deal with the EU in February, as he tried to woo Tory rebels.

But this fresh meeting is likely to sound alarms in Labour ranks. It comes after the party seemed to commit to pushing for a second referendum if Theresa May fails to agree a deal with Brussels. 

After the meeting in Parliament this afternoon Mr Boles, who is facing possible deselection by his local party over his Brexit stance, said the Tory MPs had been ‘happy’ to meet with Mr Corbyn. 

‘For months now we have been meeting with senior MPs from all parties in search of a cross party Brexit compromise,’ the Grantham MP said.

Lucy Powell, a former shadow minister, was the fourth MP in the group which met with Mr Corbyn on Wednesday to discuss their soft Brexit plan

Lucy Powell, a former shadow minister, was the fourth MP in the group which met with Mr Corbyn on Wednesday to discuss their soft Brexit plan

Mr Kinnock, the MP for Aberavon, added they had a ‘very detailed and constructive conversation about Common Market 2.0’.

He added: ‘There is a strong and growing cross-party consensus for a pragmatic, bridge-building Brexit.’ 

Announcing the meeting after Prime Minister’s Questions, a Labour party spokesman, said the meeting would see them ‘discuss how to achieve a deal that would be good for jobs and could bring Leave and Remain voters together.’

The spokesman said that the meeting did not mean Mr Corbyn was backing the plan, adding: ‘He is meeting with them to discuss a close economic relationship with the EU. Of course we support our alternative plan which we have discussed with European leaders and here lots of times.’

Mr Corbyn’s team said last year that a Norway style deal, which includes staying in the European Economic Area (EEA) has ‘clear problems’ in relation to any new trade deal.   

But he switched his position last month when he tried to woo Tory rebels by dropping his notorious ‘six tests’ which demanded that any agreement had ‘the exact same benefits’ as EU membership.

A fortnight ago Mr Corbyn bowed to months of pressure from activists and many of his MPs and promised to back a second referendum on Brexit, warning it was better than the ‘damaging’ Tory deal.

Mr Boles was in an upbeat mood following this afternoon's meeting with Jeremy Corbyn, which is likely to annoy supporters of a second referendum

Mr Boles was in an upbeat mood following this afternoon’s meeting with Jeremy Corbyn, which is likely to annoy supporters of a second referendum

His optimism was shared by Mr Kinnock, who said there was 'a strong and growing cross-party consensus for a pragmatic, bridge-building Brexit'

His optimism was shared by Mr Kinnock, who said there was ‘a strong and growing cross-party consensus for a pragmatic, bridge-building Brexit’

Mr Corbyn will order his MPs to first vote in favour of Labour’s version of Brexit based on a permanent customs union with the EU.

But if that is lost – and it will be – Labour will then vote in favour of blocking a no deal Brexit and a second referendum as ways to block Mrs May’s deal. 

A sourc at the People’s Vote campaign said: ‘The overwhelming majority of Labour voters and members support a People’s Vote – the unanimously agreed policy of party conference. 

‘Now that we know any sort of Brexit will hit jobs and investment, as well as hurt the health service, Labour voters will feel betrayed if the party in any way enables Brexit.’