So, the big day is finally upon us. Or, should I say, the great Jaffa festival. Yes, Gemma and Chesney are finally getting hitched (or shackled, in Chesney’s case).
Short of visiting Valencia for their annual orange-tree shaking, you’re unlikely to see so much of that colour gathered in one place at the same time.
It’s not so much a case of Gemma wearing the dress, but it wearing her.
Jaw-dropping doesn’t begin to describe it. Let’s just say that if the killer shark Jaws had seen it, no one would have been eaten alive. Yes, it’s that jaw-dropping.
Gemma and Chesney with their quads and Chesney’s son Joseph o this weeks’ Coronation Street. Seemingly, all’s well that ends well, when the couple share their first dance, and Paul drags his sister up for a duet, determined to grab happiness while he can
Topped off with a hairdo that would do Marie Antoinette proud, at least Gemma gets to have one day when she doesn’t look not only like something the cat’s dragged in, but dragged in, mauled, chewed and spat out.
Inevitably, there’s a hitch, with Paul becoming emotional as he battles his Motor Neurone Disease symptoms.
And when Bernie finds out that Linda secretly funded the wedding, is Gemma’s big day going to be ruined?
No worries. At least she has a monsoon of a dress she can hide in.
Seemingly, all’s well that ends well, when the couple share their first dance, and Paul drags his sister up for a duet, determined to grab happiness while he can.
If only it were that easy for viewers, because the other depressing plotline gathers pace when Justin’s trial begins.
It doesn’t go well from the start, when the defence barrister suggests to Ryan that he’s in love with Daisy and that the pair plotted the acid attack themselves.
Blimey, mate. Remind me not to phone you as my one call from the nick. You sound like a fantastical lunatic.
Should you not be depressed enough already, Roy goes in for his operation, but there’s light at the end of the Weatherfield tunnel when Evelyn finds a letter in which Roy declares what she means to him.
Ready to reciprocate, she heads to the hospital, only to find Yasmeen there.
That woman pulls any guy with the promise of a lentil daal.
Her passion rekindled, Chloe goes in for a kiss
Once Mack and Chloe shared their concerns over their son’s health, it was inevitable there would be some kind of renewed bonding.
With Reuben now being given the all clear, Chloe’s passion for the Scotsman is reignited and she leans in for a kiss – well, more of a slobbering of Scott’s porridge oats. Will he reciprocate, or is he intent on saving his marriage?
Enjoying time at the playground with Moses and Mack, Charity relishes being a family unit again and starts to think about including Mack in Moses’s birthday plans. Really? Has she taken a forgiveness pill?

In Emmerdale, with Reuben now being given the all clear, Chloe’s passion for the Scotsman is reignited and she leans in for a kiss
This is like Jesus shaking hands with Judas and shrugging off the whole betrayal with a ‘What’s a mere 30 pieces of silver between mates?’ kind of attitude.
I’m still holding out for her reaching out to Cain for comfort. Come on!
They’re soul mates!
And surely Cain must be ready for a break from Moira’s incessant wittering and whining. There’s more of that to come, too, when Nicola ups her feud against her, and Moira discovers Isaac is being bullied over her culpability for Angel’s accident.
When Moira threatens to take legal action, will this help thaw relations between the women, or will it be more handbags at dawn?
There’s romance in the air for Tom and Belle when she opens up about her struggles with mental health and he kisses her. You just never know what’ll turn a guy on.
There’s a very difficult time ahead for Billy as he prepares to say goodbye to Lola. Thank goodness he has Honey by his side, a veritable Mother Teresa in Walford in times of anyone’s trouble.
But pushed to breaking point, Billy has a run-in with Nish, who winds him up. What’s Billy’s reaction? Have a pint? Good grief, no; he smashes the Minute Mart window and has to be restrained by Martin, Honey and Phil.
Seriously? A Chihuahua on an overdose of kibble could bring Billy down.
And now here’s Jack to the rescue, trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s yet more aggro before Billy is arrested.

On Eastenders, Billy prepares to say goodbye to Lola – but thankfully has Honey by his side. But pushed to breaking point, Billy has a run-in with Nish, who winds him up
It’s always exciting when a new fairm-ly arrives, so welcome George Knight (Colin Salmon) and daughters Anna (Molly Rainford) and Gina (Francesca Henry).
It transpires that George is Elaine’s fiancé who’s come with his girls to join her at the Vic, something Elaine had conveniently forgotten to tell Linda when buying into the pub.
Some locals recognise George as a former boxer, so Nish might regret instantly taking him on.
All George wants, apparently, is to build a great life with Elaine and his girls. Quite why he’s swapped Marbella for Walford in order to do this is anybody’s guess.
The end draws nigh for Lola
Kleenex at the ready for an emotional week in EastEnders as Lola starts saying her goodbyes.
‘It’s clear Lola is in the final few days of life,’ says Danielle Harold, who plays her.
‘She starts to feel her decline quite quickly during her palliative care and her symptoms are getting worse. She’s becoming more forgetful and she’s having more seizures, so she’s aware her time is coming to an end now.’
Kim and Denise arrive to try to lift her spirits. That pair? Hasten the end, more like.