Soccer legend Megan Rapinoe surprises teenager to tell her she has been named SportsKid of the Year

A teenage soccer star was surprised with life-changing news by her idol Megan Rapinoe, who told the talented young athlete that she had been named SportsKid of the Year by Sports Illustrated. 

Now appearing on the iconic magazine’s cover, 15-year-old Ally Sentnor is a member of the U-17 U.S. Women’s National Team and has scored 15 goals in 18 international appearances. 

Her ‘role model’ Megan, 34, video called her to surprise the with the Massachusetts-based athlete, telling her: ‘Hopefully you get up to my team pretty soon. I would love to play with you.’ 

Cover girl! Up-and-coming teenage soccer star Ally Sentnor graces the iconic Sports Illustrated magazine cover 

Achievement: The Massachusetts-native was visibly shocked to find out that she had been named SportsKid of the Year by the publication in a video from her idol Megan Rapinoe

Achievement: The Massachusetts-native was visibly shocked to find out that she had been named SportsKid of the Year by the publication in a video from her idol Megan Rapinoe

Achievement: The Massachusetts-native was visibly shocked to find out that she had been named SportsKid of the Year by the publication in a video from her idol Megan Rapinoe 

Teammates: Soccer legend Megan, pictured, told Ally she looks forward to playing on the same team one day

Teammates: Soccer legend Megan, pictured, told Ally she looks forward to playing on the same team one day 

Ally is still a sophomore in high school, and a straight-A student at that. 

She has committed to playing for the 21-time champion, North Carolina Tar Heels, when she progresses to the University of North Carolina in the Fall of 2022 

Ally’s mom Lee said: ‘Ally is a really typical kid with a typical drive towards her goals.’  

And her soccer coach, Katie Schoepfer, is confident that the humble teen has what it takes to make it to the top. 

‘Anything you ask her to do with the ball, she can do it. She is someone you want to watch, she makes things happen,’ Katie said. 

Talent: The straight-A student has committed to playing for the University of North Carolina in 2022

Talent: The straight-A student has committed to playing for the University of North Carolina in 2022 

Proud: The teen athlete's parents Lee, left, and Rich Sentnor said she has a lot of drive

Proud: The teen athlete’s parents Lee, left, and Rich Sentnor said she has a lot of drive 

Size: The defender said her small stature only fuels her desire to be able to hold her own on the field

Size: The defender said her small stature only fuels her desire to be able to hold her own on the field

Size: The defender said her small stature only fuels her desire to be able to hold her own on the field

‘There’s not a lot of young female players to go at defenders as consistently as she does. She has the drive, ambition and all the talent in the world. 

‘If she wants to go further and be on the Women’s National Team, I think that’s all in her hands.’

Ally herself added: ‘This sounds cliche but I love working out, improving and getting better. 

Talent: The teen's coach, Katie Schoepfer, pictured, said that a place on the U.S. Women's National Team is within Ally's reach

Talent: The teen’s coach, Katie Schoepfer, pictured, said that a place on the U.S. Women’s National Team is within Ally’s reach 

‘I love the feeling of working on something 100 times and then getting it.

‘Some people say [about me] “Oh she’s small, she’s not going to be able to handle playing against larger girls.”

‘Honestly, that kind of fuels my fire,’ she said. 

In a heartwarming moment, Megan shares the news that Ally has been named SportsKid of the Year.  

The teen, who trains with the boys’ academy team twice per week and volunteers with the Special Olympics Young Athletes Program, will be presented with her award at a star-studded ceremony in New York City in December.  

Delivering the news, Megan said: ‘I’ve been following along all your accomplishments on the field, as many people have, and I want to be the first person to congratulate you on being the SportsKid of the Year; incredible accomplishment. 

'Oh my gosh!' Ally, left, reacts to the news of her new title when Megan, right, shares the surprise

'Oh my gosh!' Ally, left, reacts to the news of her new title when Megan, right, shares the surprise

‘Oh my gosh!’ Ally, left, reacts to the news of her new title when Megan, right, shares the surprise

Congratulations: Ally's dad Rich congratulated her after she hears the life-changing news

Congratulations: Ally’s dad Rich congratulated her after she hears the life-changing news 

‘Hopefully you get up to my team pretty soon. I would love to play with you. I’m going to hang on as long as possible. 

‘Congratulations on everything you’re doing, I know you have an incredible future ahead of you.’

The thrilled athlete simply gushed, ”Oh my gosh, no way. That’s crazy. Oh my gosh. Can I have that video? That was so crazy. I didn’t even know they knew who I was.’  

Ally added: ‘Watching the World Cup was amazing. I watched every single game. 

‘I look up to all the players on that team. They’re all role models for me, mentors. Watching them win was an amazing experience because one day I want to be there.’