Social work with the elderly in the USA

In the United States, the government benefits for seniors are carried out through a system of social assistance provided by public or private organizations, as well as through cash payments to the elderly ones for obtaining certain social services.

Increasingly, family allowance systems are being used to provide care for the elderly at home.

Caring for an aging loved one is a monumental responsibility. Fortunately, there are a lot of programs that can provide financial assistance and many other forms of support, including providing a caregiver for parents and services of patronage workers.

There are a significant number of funds providing, medical care, cheap housing, food, and transport services. Social help and benefits are characterized by a large number of services provided, including therapeutic exercises, cultural leisure, and entertainment arrangements.

Home care services are professional care through home visits to patients at increased risk of morbidity or injury, disease, dysfunction, terminally ill patients, and anyone in need of short- and long-term professional care.

In the United States, professional home care services are provided by certified Home Care Agencies, which may be private or non-profit. Their activities are funded by two federal programs – Medicare and Medicaid.

Agencies implement medical and rehabilitation programs, including skilled nursing, physical therapy, speech and occupational therapy, consultations of social workers, psychologists, nutritionists, etc.

Issues of social support for the elderly in the United States are systematically dealt with by specialized public associations. They are advocating for more funding for the elderly, higher social security benefits, and lower costs of medical care and housing for the elderly.

There are dozens of nationwide organizations for older Americans in the country, among which the largest are: the American Association of Senior Citizens, the National Alliance of Senior Citizens, the Gray Panthers, and others.

An important aspect of the activities of these organizations is lobbying and demanding to improve the work of medical institutions and conducting nationwide campaigns aimed at increasing the attention of the federal government to solving the problems of older citizens.

Significant assistance to associative organizations in their noble cause is provided by US government agencies, establishing and financing special grants. Federal grant programs are approved at the congressional level.

Much attention is paid to the organization of leisure – excursions, dances, sparing sports games, conversations, or debates on various topics are organized with the involvement of doctors, psychiatrists, and sexologists, a beauty salon operates.

In addition, great importance is attached to the possibility of relieving relatives of the disabled from the need for constant care for them, in the coming years, about ten thousand centers of this type can be created in the country.

A significant emphasis is placed on volunteer work in the community. A community is understood as a community of people living in the same territory (in a small town or one area of ​​a big city).

It is understood that people who are part of the same community are in contact with each other, are ready to help each other, and make joint decisions about the life of the community.

The activities of Day Care Centers are designed specifically for the community. In these day centers, there are lunch clubs, workshops, services of medical attendants, and teachers for further education.

Day centers are usually located near the places of residence of the persons served and in areas with good transport links.

They are visited by residents of the area – communities. And the volunteers who work at the center tend to live in the area as well. There are close social ties between residents of all ages in the same area.