Someone’s in trouble! Kia Sportage spray painted with the words ‘cheater’ and w***e’ is spotted driving around Perth

Someone’s in trouble! Kia Sportage spray painted with the words ‘cheater’ and w***e’ is spotted driving around Perth

The saying goes that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

And while it’s unclear who exactly was behind this intriguing paint job seen on a Kia Sportage in Perth, it’s safe to say they weren’t happy.

The dark-coloured car was spotted parked up and on the road in Rockingham, with the words ‘cheater’ and ‘w***e’ daubed on the side in large white letters.

A Kia Sportage has been spray painted with some unkind words

The pictures were posted on social media by an amused neighbour, who said the people involved were not strangers to drama

The pictures were posted on social media by an amused neighbour, who said the people involved were not strangers to drama

The pictures were posted on social media by an amused neighbour, who said the people involved were not strangers to drama.

‘As someone who is subjected to these residents on a frequent basis, let’s just say that’s the least of their problems,’ they wrote. 

It’s not the first time a driver in Perth has been accused of cheating in such an outlandish way.

In 2019, a sedan was painted with the words 'cheater' and 'dog' in capital letters

In 2019, a sedan was painted with the words ‘cheater’ and ‘dog’ in capital letters

Back in 2019, a sedan was painted with the words ‘cheater’ and ‘dog’ in capital letters.

Footage uploaded to Facebook showed the the graffiti-ridden car stopped at a red light in Joondalup.

The white sedan’s windscreen was also damaged in several places, while the back window was completely smashed. 
