Somerset thugs swear at judge after expressing remorse

The balaclava-clad gang, who included Abdul Gani, burst into a home on Main Street in the village of Ashcott, Somerset, at 8.30pm on August 16, one wielding a crowbar

Three robbers who bound a terrified couple to steal £25,000 of jewellery wrote grovelling letters of apology to their victims in an attempt to soften their sentences – and then hurled abuse at the judge when it didn’t work.

The balaclava-clad gang burst into a home on Main Street in the village of Ashcott, Somerset, at 8.30pm on August 16, one wielding a crowbar.

Dwaine Bryer, 32, and Lee Monnell, 28, both from Bristol, admitted robbery at Taunton Crown Court alongside 28-year-old Abdul Gani, of no fixed address.

A judge told Gani he was the ‘ringleader’, sentencing him to eight years in jail, Monell to seven years and Bryer to six years.

As the sentences were handed down, the three reacted furiously in the dock, swearing at the judge as they were led to the cells. 

The men were on licensed release from prison when they targeted the house.

Mrs Bolt said: ‘The couple have lived at their home for 40 years, and had been choosing what to watch on the television when the three men burst in.

‘They told them “We’ve been sent. We’ve got to do you”. They seemed to have information about the house, they knew there were two safes in the house. 

‘They helped themselves to cash and jewellery, tying the victims up at the wrists and ankles.’

But a neighbour had seen the men enter the property and had called 999, the court heard.

Dwaine Bryer, 32

Lee Monnell, 28

Dwaine Bryer, 32, and Lee Monnell, 28, both from Bristol, also admitted robbery at Taunton Crown Court

At 11.30pm, with a police hunt already under way, the three men were seen rushing to a stolen car parked in Kings Lane. 

As they drove off, they were spotted by the police and pulled over.

‘Inside the police found cash, a pink pillow case containing the jewellery that had been taken – estimated to be between £20-25,000 worth – and a crowbar.’

When arrested, all three gave no comment interviews, but pleaded guilty at a previous court hearing.

Mrs Bolt told the court the couple had been so traumatised by their ordeal that they no longer felt safe in their own home and were looking to leave.

David Maunder, defending Gani told the court that his client was ‘only too aware’ of the position he was in.

‘He has been addicted to Class A drugs since childhood and had gambling debts,’ he said.

‘He had intended to commit a commercial burglary that night, and it was a surprise to him to discover that the property was a home and that it was occupied.’

He said that although it must have been terrifying for the victims, there had been no actual violence and nobody had suffered a physical injury during the robbery.

Defending Bryer, Sam Jones said the robbery was a ‘huge source of regret and remorse to him’ and had asked to pass on a letter from his client to the victims.

‘He knows he has let those he loves the most down,’ he said. ‘He believed he was committing a commercial burglary that night. 

‘When he realised what was happening, he said that if he could have walked out, he would have.’

As the sentences were handed down, the three reacted furiously in the dock at Taunton Crown Court,(pictured) swearing at the judge as they were led to the cells

As the sentences were handed down, the three reacted furiously in the dock at Taunton Crown Court,(pictured) swearing at the judge as they were led to the cells

And defending Monnell, Emma Martin read from a letter he had written to the court.

In it, he said his actions were ‘inexcusable’ and he was ‘shocked and embarrassed’ that he had been caught up in the raid.

‘I cannot imagine the fear I caused,’ he’d written.

Mrs Martin said Monnell had not engaged with the victims, nor had he threatened them.

‘He knows that he is looking at a prison sentence and he wishes to avail himself of all the help on offer while he is inside,’ she said.

‘He wants to rid himself of addiction and step away from this life.’

Sentencing, Judge David Ticehurst said he did not believe the trio had been intending to commit a commercial burglary, and had some knowledge about the house.

‘All three of you provide a perfect illustration of the harm drugs can cause,’ he said. ‘All three of you speak of remorse, but they are empty and meaningless words.

‘Your actions would have been terrifying and the effect your crime has had has been severe. 

‘That couple had 40 years of happy memories inside that house and you have destroyed those by your actions.’