Son of Infowars’ Alex Jones challenges David Hogg to a debate about gun control

The 15-year-old son of Alex Jones, the founder of the far-right site, has challenged Parkland survivor David Hogg to a debate.

The site posted a video featuring Rex Jones, who is seen in his father’s seat during a monologue blasting Hogg for his part in the public campaign pushing for stricter gun laws in the United States.

Hogg survived the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, which left 17 people dead.

A former student, Nikolas Cruz, was arrested for allegedly carrying out the massacre.

In the wake of the tragedy, Hogg and his fellow students have led a nationwide campaign demanding tougher gun laws.

Rex Jones, the 15-year-old son of Alex Jones, the founder of the far-right site, has challenged Parkland survivor David Hogg (above) to a debate

Rex Jones (left), the 15-year-old son of Alex Jones, the founder of the far-right site, has challenged Parkland survivor David Hogg (right) to a debate

Infowars on Thursday posted a video featuring Rex Jones, who is seen in his father’s seat during a monologue blasting Hogg for his part in the public campaign pushing for stricter gun laws in the United States. Alex Jones is seen in an Austin, Texas courtroom last year

Infowars on Thursday posted a video featuring Rex Jones, who is seen in his father’s seat during a monologue blasting Hogg for his part in the public campaign pushing for stricter gun laws in the United States. Alex Jones is seen in an Austin, Texas courtroom last year

The campaign, however, has met with stiff criticism and resistance from conservatives who warn against taking action that infringes on their Second Amendment rights.

‘Hogg, you claim that the establishment is shaking in its boots in fear of you,’ Rex Jones says in the video.

‘No, they love you. They love gun control. They’ve wanted this for years.’

The Infowars video is interspersed with clips of Democratic politicians speaking of the need to enact laws against assault weapons.

‘It is admitted they want to disarm the American people just as they have done with so many corrupt regimes in the past,’ Rex Jones said.

Rex Jones slammed Hogg for calling his father 'a s*** journalist'

Rex Jones slammed Hogg for calling his father ‘a s*** journalist’

He then named 20th century dictators who he claims were allowed to commit mass murder due to strict gun control laws.

‘Hitler, Stalin, Mao, North Korea – do you think those corrupt leaders allowed their citizens to have guns?

‘Do you think that the Jews were able to protect themselves when Hitler put them in concentration camps?

‘No, they were disarmed. And that’s why they were enslaved.’

Rex Jones blasted Hogg as a ‘child human shield’ by the ‘mainstream media’ so that ‘you can go out and make outrageous statements without anyone being allowed to rebut you.’

Hogg was being compared to Hitler after various videos emerged with the Nazi leader's voice dubbed over footage of him at March for our Lives. The video was played on Infowars

Hogg was being compared to Hitler after various videos emerged with the Nazi leader’s voice dubbed over footage of him at March for our Lives. The video was played on Infowars

‘George Soros and the groups funding your anti-gun march are a clear and present danger to this country,’ Rex Jones said.

Jones said guns were not to blame for the massacre at Parkland, but Sheriff Scott Israel ‘who failed to act.’

Jones accused Hogg of ‘making apologies for the sheriff’ and the armed deputy who stood outside of the school as the massacre was taking place.

‘You are submitting to tyranny,’ Jones said to Hogg.

‘You are begging to have the rights that our forefathers fought for stripped away.’

‘I don’t need talking points or a little teleprompter behind my CNN interview screen to get my point across.’

He then challenges Hogg to a debate.

‘Name a time, name the place, name the venue. I will do it.’

Hogg's emergence as a leading voice for stricter gun laws have made him a target for criticism from conservatives

Hogg’s emergence as a leading voice for stricter gun laws have made him a target for criticism from conservatives

Last month, Alex Jones invited Hogg onto his show for a debate. Hogg accepted, according to Raw Story. 

Hogg apparently backed out of the interview, saying he was unaware of Alex Jones’ habit of peddling wild conspiracy theories. 

Earlier this week, Infowars came under fire after it played a video of Hogg and other Parkland survivors at the March for our Lives rally that depicted them as Nazis.

In the video, Hogg’s voice is dubbed over with that of Hitler’s.

At the end of his speech on Saturday, Hogg raised his fist in the air and right-wing social media immediately started claiming it resembled Hitler’s Nazi salute.

YouTube put a viewer discretion warning on one of the Hitler comparison videos.

The 56-second video, which was posted on YouTube on Monday by user MAGA3D, was flagged as containing material that some viewers had found to be ‘inappropriate or offensive’.

Viewers trying to watch the video were made to click ‘I understand and wish to proceed’ in order to watch it.

The YouTube user titled the video: ‘Hogg Hitler! The little dictator in the making’.    

Earlier on Thursday, several companies announced they were dropping Fox News personality Laura Ingraham after she criticized Hogg on social media.

Ingraham, a right-wing host who landed a rare one-on-one interview with President Donald Trump last year, wrote on Twitter, ‘David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it.’

Hogg, who filmed students hiding from the gunman in their classrooms during the massacre, was quick to respond, tweeting a list of a dozen advertisers and encouraging followers to immediately call them and ask them to drop Ingraham.

Hogg has faced intense criticism from right-wing conservatives and gun advocates who have falsely called him a crisis actor following the Valentine’s Day shooting in Parkland that killed 17.

‘Soooo @IngrahamAngle what are your biggest advertisers … Asking for a friend,’ he wrote with the hashtag #BoycottIngramAdverts.

The online home goods store Wayfair, food company Nestle, travel website TripAdvisor and Rachel Ray’s dog food Nutrish all said they are removing their support from Ingraham.

Wayfair said in a statement that it supports ‘open dialogue and debate on issues.

‘However, the decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values.

‘We do not plan to continue advertising on this particular program.’

Earlier on Thursday, several companies announced they were dropping Fox News personality Laura Ingraham after she criticized Hogg on social media

Earlier on Thursday, several companies announced they were dropping Fox News personality Laura Ingraham after she criticized Hogg on social media

TripAdvisor says it does not ‘condone the inappropriate comments made by this broadcaster. In our view, these statements focused on a high school student, cross the line of decency. As such, we have made a decision to stop advertising on that program.’

A telephone message left for Nutrish was not immediately returned but the company tweeted it was in the process of removing ads from Ingraham’s show.

Ingraham apologized Thursday on Twitter, saying, ‘On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.’

Ingraham tweeted that she thought she was the first to feature Hogg on her show after the shooting and added, ‘he’s welcome to come on my show anytime for a productive discussion.’

Hogg tweeted later Thursday that an apology to save advertisers wasn’t enough and that he’d only accept Ingraham’s apology if she denounced the way Fox News has treated his friends.

‘It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children,’ Hogg wrote.