South African man who had sex with donkey is jailed

  • Ntando Mankungwini, 23, ushered two donkeys away from their herd 
  • Had sex with one before the grandson of the donkeys’ owner chased him
  • Mankungwini today in court pleaded guilty to bestiality on 20 September

A South African man has been jailed for having sex with a donkey after a witch doctor told him it would make him stronger.

Ntando Mankungwini, 23, ushered two donkeys away from their herd in a secluded area of Eastern Cape, South Africa. 

He had sex with one before the grandson of the donkeys’ owner chased him away thinking he was stealing the animals.

A South African man has been jailed for having sex with a donkey. Pictured: A stock image of a donkey

Mankungwini today pleaded guilty to bestiality on 20 September.

He claimed he was encouraged to commit the act by a witch doctor. 

National Prosecution Authority regional spokesman Luxolo Tyali said the body welcomes the sentence.