South Australia man James Sharp jailed over child-like sex doll import and abuse material

Vile pervert who bought a sex doll resembling a CHILD and collected disturbing pictures of children is jailed for just three years

  • James Sharp, 32, was jailed after importing child-like sex doll from overseas 
  • He became first person in country to receive sentence after importing the doll
  • Court heard Sharp kept children’s clothing, underwear and school uniforms 

A man who bought a child-like sex doll and kept thousands of photos of children being abused has been jailed for just three years.

James Sharp, 32, became the first person in the country to be jailed for importing a sex doll resembling a child after he was sentenced at the District Court in Mount Gambier, South Australia, on Friday.

He had been arrested at a remote property near Naracoorte, on the South Australia and Victoria border, in January 2020.

James Sharp, 32, became the first person in the country to be jailed for importing a sex doll resembling a child after he was sentenced at the District Court in Mount Gambier, South Australia, on Friday

The court heard Sharp had imported the child-like sex doll from China and that he kept children’s clothing, underwear and school uniforms, ABC reported.

Judge Gordon Barrett said police also discovered 9,021 images and 128 videos of child exploitation material. 

The material included images of young girls being restrained while they were abused, children engaging in sexual activities and close-ups of their genitalia.

‘A large proportion of the material depicts female children being physically restrained with rope, collars, chains, blindfolds and duct tape while being sexually abused,’ Judge Barrett said. 

‘Every film, every image, every disk depicts a child being abused.’

A psychologist report claimed that Sharp had a ‘paedophilic sexual orientation’. It warned that his chances of reoffending were at a ‘moderate to high risk’.

The court heard Sharp had imported the child-like sex doll from overseas and that he kept children's clothing, underwear and school uniforms (pictured, doll similar to the one that had been imported from China)

The court heard Sharp had imported the child-like sex doll from overseas and that he kept children’s clothing, underwear and school uniforms (pictured, doll similar to the one that had been imported from China) 

‘Every one of the children depicted in the materials which you possessed was abused and your being in possession of them and taking access to them provides the market for the abuse of children,’ Judge Barrett said.

Sharp pleaded guilty to five charges, including importing the sex doll and accessing and possessing child pornography and child abuse material. 

He was handed a three year sentence but will be released on a recognizance order after 18 months.  
