South Sydney forced to take drastic step as fans hit young star Jaxson Paulo with vile abuse

South Sydney have urged Jaxson Paulo to report ‘the cowards’ who sent him vile death threats to the police following the Rabbitohs’ 26-22 loss to Penrith on Thursday night.

Souths supporters turned on their own, with torrents of abuse being levelled at the young gun Jaxson Paulo after he had a night to forget.

And Souths CEO Blake Solly has now urged Paulo to take a leaf from Latrell Mitchell’s book and follow his teammate’s example by reporting the abusers to the authorities.

Paulo is bundled into touch with the tryline in sight. It was one of two tries supporters blamed him for failing to score

‘He [Paulo] felt he could bring this up because of what Latrell has been doing for two years,’ Solly said on Triple M on Saturday. 

‘In some ways Latrell led the way and it’s great they feel they can bring it to public attention.’

On Friday, Solly said the club has vowed to stand-by Paulo and backed him if he wanted to pursue police intervention.

‘We will work with Jaxson, his management and the relevant authorities – just as we have with other players in the past. If Jaxson would like to take further action, he has our absolute support,’ he said.

The Rabbitohs young gun (right) had a night to forget against the Panthers on Thursday

The Rabbitohs young gun (right) had a night to forget against the Panthers on Thursday 

‘Everybody is desperate to win games. But that sort of abuse and those threats are completely unacceptable.’

Speaking on Saturday to the Daily Telegraph, he added the abusive posts were under investigation by the police.

‘They are working with police and will investigate,’ Solly said. ‘Jaxson and the club will take it further if the police believe they can.

‘The cowards are using aliases and burner accounts to abuse people. The police do everything they can do to track them down.

Rabbitohs CEO Blake Solly said the club was firmly behind Paulo and would support him

Rabbitohs CEO Blake Solly said the club was firmly behind Paulo and would support him 

Souths star Latrell Mitchell previously turned to the authorities after suffering online abuse

Souths star Latrell Mitchell previously turned to the authorities after suffering online abuse 

‘We have to call it out when it happens and make it public. By raising it publicly it makes people think twice before they do it again.

‘I spoke to Jaxson [on Saturday morning]. He is pretty resilient. He bounces back really well. Thursday night and Friday wasn’t great but he has had a lot of support from senior players and the coaching staff.’

Solly also revealed the club was considering banning the offenders from Souths.

‘In our minds when you speak with some of the fans and members who have contacted the club, the people that do this aren’t real fans or members,’ he said. 

Penrith beat Souths 26-22 at Accor Stadium to clinch this season's minor premiership

Penrith beat Souths 26-22 at Accor Stadium to clinch this season’s minor premiership

‘They are cowards. It’s not something our club will tolerate. Hopefully we take the strongest possible action.’

Paulo was unable to finish off two regulation tries and committed five errors in the loss on Thursday night, which ensured the Panthers will finish the regular season as NRL minor premiers.

Fans savaged the 22-year-old, blaming him for the loss and squaring him up with vile abuse.

That resulted in Paulo changing his Instagram account to private and South Sydney shutting down comments on their official match thread on Facebook. 

‘Full Time. We’ve now turned off the comments, we’re all in this together,’ the post read.

While most of the comments were moderated and removed from social media, many remained visible.

‘This is NRL football […] not a counselling session. Paulo is complete and utter s*** and played like a pony. He lost us the game – simple as that. The sooner the fans stop wrapping players in cotton wool the better,’ one furious supporter posted.

The South Sydney media team closed comments because of the abuse being aimed at Paulo

The South Sydney media team closed comments because of the abuse being aimed at Paulo

‘Paulo is paid good money to play football. He was crap he needs to go. That should be his last game at Souths,’ said another.

‘I never want to see Jackson play for us again ducking hopeless lost us the game still proud of the effort from the team but Jackson [sic] has to go,’ posted another.

Several Souths fans, however, were quick to rally around their embattled winger on Friday. 

‘How about you leave the kid alone. Do you think he deliberately set out to have a bad game. He would be feeling crap enough without our so called fans attacking him. When did we become a club that insults our players?’ asked one supporter.

Several Souths supporters came out in support of the young winger this week

Several Souths supporters came out in support of the young winger this week

‘I am sick of them bagging of players, yes he had a bad game but no need to crucify the young fellow,’ said another.

‘Please stop these pointed remarks towards players accidental errors. Stop and think what mental buttons you may press by picking out or ridiculing any unintended mistakes an individual might make,’ another fan posted.

Former NRL player Keith Galloway slammed the abuse aimed at the Souths back, pointing out the hypocrisy of calling for better mental health support after the tragic death of Paul Green, then attacking players who have a bad game.

‘Last week everyone was preaching mental health, this week people are attacking Jaxson Paulo online, I hope the poor kid doesn’t read social media. It’s only a game of football,’ he tweeted.

After the loss, Rabbitohs coach Jason Demetriou indicated that Paulo could face the axe for his performance.

‘We’ll sit down and have a conversation,’ Demetriou said. 

‘Against the best teams that’s the level that you’ve got to get to. As a young bloke you understand every error has an impact on the game.

‘I still think we should have defended better, Liam Martin scores a barge-over to win the game — that’s a tackle we’ve got to make, and we don’t make it.’
