Southwest attendant sings I’ll Be Home For Christmas

A Southwest flight attendant did her best to brighten up the trip for people traveling during Christmas.

Charise Miles, 42, wowed passengers leaving Houston with a stunning rendition of I’ll Be Home For Christmas. 

A traveler on the plane captured the amazing moment.

A traveler on the plane captured the amazing moment

Charise Miles, 42, wowed passengers leaving Houston with a stunning rendition of I’ll Be Home For Christmas 

Miles has been a flight attendant for 20 years, but actually attended college on a music scholarship.

‘I wanted to travel the world and sing on the airplane, God gave me my dream job!’ she told ABC News.

‘My motto for my job is that I’m there to make a difference,’ Miles said. ‘So many people are depressed, stressed, sad. They’re going to funerals, they spend a lot of money for flight tickets.’ 

‘If I can be the one to make a difference in somebody’s life and make their life better when they got off [the plane] than how they were when they came on, God put me there for that reason.’

Miles has been a flight attendant for 20 years, but actually attended college on a music scholarship

She sings on all her flights, but Christmas holds a special importance to her

Miles has been a flight attendant for 20 years, but actually attended college on a music scholarship

Miles sings on all her flights, but Christmas holds a special importance to her.

‘I went through a divorce in 2012 and I was so depressed during the holidays,’ she said. 

‘I made a vow that I was not going to sit home and be depressed during the holidays, so I picked up trips to work during Christmas so I can sing my way through Christmas.’

Suzi Pitts, the traveler who filmed the video, said ‘everybody was really paying attention to their boarding pass and wondering when the flight crew would arrive, and [Miles] got on the mic and immediately said, “Is everybody excited about Christmas!”‘

After the song, the passengers all burst into applause.