Speedboat killer Jack Shepherd LOSES appeal against his conviction

The family of a 24-year-old woman who died in a speedboat accident today welcomed the decision to block her killer’s attempt to appeal his conviction, but said they were furious that he was let off his six-month sentence for going on the run.

Jack Shepherd was jailed for six years over the death of Charlotte Brown, who was thrown from his boat when it capsized on the River Thames during their first date.

Four years on, the 31-year-old web developer from Exeter, Devon, challenged his conviction for manslaughter by gross negligence at the Court of Appeal in London. 

Victim Charlotte Brown, 24

Jack Shepherd (left), 31, was jailed over the death of 24-year-old Charlotte Brown (right) 

His lawyers argued the conviction over the incident in December 2015 is unsafe because some of the evidence at his trial came from an interview during which he was not cautioned or offered a solicitor because of a ‘mistake’ by police.

While this was rejected, Shepherd’s conviction for skipping his bail by spending ten months on the run in Georgia was overturned on an administrative technicality.

Miss Brown’s sister Katie said outside the Court of Appeal today: ‘He has not once shown any remorse or respect to our family or to the legal system or to even Charlie.

‘We find it difficult to accept that Shepherd’s appeal against absconding has been successful on a technicality. During the ten months he spent on the run in Georgia, Shepherd cause our family further anguish and pain whilst he lived a normal life.  

Miss Brown's father Graham (left) and sister Katie (right) said outside the Court of Appeal today that they were disappointed at the quashing of Shepherd's bail conviction and sentence

Miss Brown’s father Graham (left) and sister Katie (right) said outside the Court of Appeal today that they were disappointed at the quashing of Shepherd’s bail conviction and sentence

Miss Brown was thrown from his boat when it capsized on the Thames during their first date

Miss Brown was thrown from his boat when it capsized on the Thames during their first date

‘Despite all sense of logic he appears to have been able to abscond without penalty. What deterrent is this to other criminals not to do the same?

Charlotte Brown’s family slam Shepherd for lack of remorse

Katie Brown, sister

‘He has not once shown any remorse or respect to our family or to the legal system or to even Charlie.

‘We find it difficult to accept that Shepherd’s appeal against absconding has been successful on a technicality. During the ten months he spent on the run in Georgia, Shepherd cause our family further anguish and pain whilst he lived a normal life.

‘Despite all sense of logic he appears to have been able to abscond without penalty. What deterrent is this to other criminals not to do the same?

‘We hope we can now bring this heartbreaking chapter to a close and fight for a change in our waterway laws for Charlie’s legacy.’

Graham Brown, father

‘I think the right decision’s been made and as a family we are very relieved that the appeal has not been upheld.

‘It does seem bizarre to the layman that he’s been able to abscond to Georgia without consequence.

‘I think it’s very important that that bit is looked at and everyone should face the consequence for not appearing at their trial.’ 

‘We hope we can now bring this heartbreaking chapter to a close and fight for a change in our waterway laws for Charlie’s legacy.’ 

Miss Brown’s father Graham Brown added: ‘I think the right decision’s been made and as a family we are very relieved that the appeal has not been upheld.

However, he continued: ‘It does seem bizarre to the layman that he’s been able to abscond to Georgia without consequence.

‘I think it’s very important that that bit is looked at and everyone should face the consequence for not appearing at their trial.’

Sir Brian Leveson, who heard the appeal with two other senior judges, delivered the court’s ruling this morning.

Sir Brian said: ‘When granting leave (to appeal), the single judge made the point that the appellant should not be overoptimistic as to the outcome. That warning was prescient. The appeal against conviction is dismissed.’

Shepherd went on the run ahead of his Old Bailey trial and was convicted in his absence in July 2018.

He was later extradited to the UK from Georgia after handing himself in to police in the capital Tbilisi in January.

Jurors at Shepherd’s trial heard that he and Ms Brown, from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, who had met on the dating app Tinder, had been drinking champagne and went on a late-night jaunt in his boat past the Houses of Parliament.

Shepherd handed the controls to Ms Brown just before it overturned, tipping both of them into the cold water, the court was told. He was plucked from the Thames alive, but Ms Brown was found unconscious and unresponsive. 

Before he was convicted, Shepherd fled to Georgia where he was holed up for ten months

Before he was convicted, Shepherd fled to Georgia where he was holed up for ten months

Following his return from Georgia, Shepherd appeared at the Old Bailey in April and was sentenced to an additional six months for breaching bail.

Why judge quashed killer’s bail conviction

The Court of Appeal quashed Jack Shepherd’s bail conviction and sentence over a technicality today, but said he may face further proceedings in relation to his ‘egregious breach’.

The High Court was told the Republic of Georgia did not consent to Shepherd being dealt with for an offence under the Bail Act.

Specialist extradition prosecutor Alison Riley did not get permission from Givi Bagdavadze, the head of international cooperation unit at the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia.

Sir Brian Leveson, President of the Queen’s Bench Division, said: ‘At no stage does Ms Riley formally request consent to pursue the appelant for his breach of bail and nothing in Mr Bagdavadze’s response can be taken as consent on behalf of the Republic of Georgia.

‘In those circumstances there was no basis in the extradition from Georgia to pursue the appelant for his breach of bail and the proceedings against him are a nullity.

‘The appeal against conviction for manslaughter is dismissed. The challenge to the conviction for breach of the Bail Act 1976 is allowed.

‘That conviction is a nullity. Whether the appellant is further pursued for the breach is a matter authorities in due course.’

The Court of Appeal quashed his bail conviction and sentence today, but said he may face further proceedings in relation to his ‘egregious breach’.

The High Court was told the Republic of Georgia did not consent to Shepherd being dealt with for an offence under the Bail Act.

Specialist extradition prosecutor Alison Riley did not get permission from Givi Bagdavadze, the head of international cooperation unit at the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia.

Sir Brian said: ‘At no stage does Ms Riley formally request consent to pursue the appelant for his breach of bail and nothing in Mr Bagdavadze’s response can be taken as consent on behalf of the Republic of Georgia.

‘In those circumstances there was no basis in the extradition from Georgia to pursue the appelant for his breach of bail and the proceedings against him are a nullity.

‘The appeal against conviction for manslaughter is dismissed. The challenge to the conviction for breach of the Bail Act 1976 is allowed. That conviction is a nullity.

‘Whether the appellant is further pursued for the breach is a matter authorities in due course.’

He was jailed for a further four years at Exeter Crown Court earlier this month after he admitted wounding with intent in relation to a drink-fuelled attack on a barman.

The court heard he struck former soldier David Beech with a vodka bottle on March 16, 2018 after being asked to leave The White Hart Hotel in Newton Abbot, Devon. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk