‘Sperminator’ gives 50th free semen donation to teen but homeless lesbian couple won’t get support

New York college professor, Ari Nagel – also known as The Sperminator – has made his 50th semen donation in time for Father’s Day.

The 43-year-old picked Kaienja Garrick as the mother to his latest child – who has already been named Kaidee – and the 18-year-old mother-to-be is currently homeless and stays at East River Family Center in East Harlem.

The little girl due July 12 will be the 15th baby he has helped conceive in just one year and he deposited his contribution shortly after they met at Manhattan Beach last fall after she found his services online.

‘I will never forget the day I conceive you you,’ Garrick posted on Facebook on Mother’s Day last month about the day Nagel left his bodily fluids in a cup.

Ari Nagel – also known as The Sperminator – has made his 50th semen donation. He is pictured with mother-to-be Kaienja Garrick (center right), her partner Decontee Slobert (left) and her seven-year-old sister (right)

Garrick said about her daughter Kaidee - due July 12 - 'I will never forget the day I conceive you you'. Nagel deposited his sperm into a cup shortly after meeting her on Manhattan Beach, New York last year

Garrick said about her daughter Kaidee – due July 12 – ‘I will never forget the day I conceive you you’. Nagel deposited his sperm into a cup shortly after meeting her on Manhattan Beach, New York last year

CUNY math professor Nagel, 43, already has 48 children from mothers around the world

CUNY math professor Nagel, 43, already has 48 children from mothers around the world 

CUNY math professor Nagel’s brood adds up to a total of 48 currently and he famously donates sperm for free.

Garrick – who is in a same-sex relationship – was inspired to get pregnant because she practically raised her seven-year-old sister before moving out her mother’s Jamaica, Queens home due to arguments, she says.

She searched online to avoid paying out big money to conceive.

‘May not be here yet but just know both of your mothers’ love you and we just can’t wait to meet you kaidee see you soon my princess & happy mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers aunts grandmothers nieces cousins or however you are considered a mother,’ Garrick added in a Facebook post.

She and her girlfriend Decontee Slobert are getting ready for the arrival by asking people to buy items from a baby registry that add up to more than $2,000.

Her Georgia-based father Keron Garrick helped plan a baby shower in May where Nagel was present and gifted her a Google reading device.

Some of Nagel’s other mothers attended the shower but Garrick arrived late and didn’t get to meet them all.

Kaidee Aria Slobert will be raised in an apartment after Garrick and her homeless partner get a voucher for accommodation

Kaidee Aria Slobert will be raised in an apartment after Garrick and her homeless partner get a voucher for accommodation

The teenagers attended prom on Friday as 'pregnant mommies' and Nagel thinks they'll make great parents

The teenagers attended prom on Friday as ‘pregnant mommies’ and Nagel thinks they’ll make great parents

The homeless parents-to-be are asking people for gifts that amount to around $2,000

The homeless parents-to-be are asking people for gifts that amount to around $2,000

‘They were great and I’m so grateful,’ she told the New York Post about the encounter, adding that she’ll get her child to inquire about the backgrounds of potential dates because Nagel ‘has so many kids, you don’t know who the siblings could be’.

‘Thank you so much ari if it wasn’t for you there would be no kaidee,’ the expectant teen posted on Facebook alongside images of gift unwrapping and a cake featuring the baby scan.

Garrick and her partner – who lives at another shelter with her mother and brother – attended her prom as ‘pregnant mommies’ Friday but Nagel had no idea how old the A. Philip Randolph Campus High School student was when he said yes to fathering her child, nor did he care.

‘I never asked her age — I try to help whoever asks. I think Kai is more mature than I was at her age after everything she has been through,’ he told the New York Post.

He added about her living situation: ‘I think it’s a nice shelter. It’s probably nicer than my apartment.’

Garrick – who will receive her high school diploma through the Department of Education’s Pathways to Graduation program this month – and her unemployed partner plan on getting an apartment voucher through a case worker.

Nagel's other co-parents attended Garrick baby shower last month but she didn't meet them all as she was late

Nagel’s other co-parents attended Garrick baby shower last month but she didn’t meet them all as she was late

Nagel said: 'Although I struggle financially, I feel rich with joy and love and am so blessed to be a part of so many wonderful families'

Nagel said: ‘Although I struggle financially, I feel rich with joy and love and am so blessed to be a part of so many wonderful families’

Nagel said: 'It would be crazy if I was raising them on my own, but there are over 50 amazing, loving moms that are doing a great job raising the children'

Nagel said: ‘It would be crazy if I was raising them on my own, but there are over 50 amazing, loving moms that are doing a great job raising the children’

While Slobert isn’t at school at the moment, she intends to finish high school one day and get work as an engineer.

The Sperminator thinks she’ll make a great parent but Garrick’s own mother disapproves of the move.

Garrick added she doesn’t intend on asking for child support like some of Nagel’s other co-parents have.

Just as well – Nagel hinted he may not have the funds to provide what she needs.

‘Although I struggle financially, I feel rich with joy and love and am so blessed to be a part of so many wonderful families,’ Nagel told the Post. ‘It would be crazy if I was raising them on my own, but there are over 50 amazing, loving moms that are doing a great job raising the children.’

Nagel’s dating profiles state that he is a 6ft 3in Jewish man with a graduate degree who never smokes but sometimes drinks alcohol and works out.

The Leo who lives in Brooklyn asks: ‘Are you ready to make love your greatest aim? I want to meet someone who will experience the joy of falling in love with me and then you will get it back in abundance.’ 

Nagel's dating profiles state that he is a 6ft 3in Jewish man with a graduate degree

He never smokes but sometimes drinks alcohol and works out

Nagel’s dating profiles state that he is a 6ft 3in Jewish man with a graduate degree who never smokes but sometimes drinks alcohol and works out

The Leo who lives in Brooklyn asks: 'Are you ready to make love your greatest aim? I want to meet someone who will experience the joy of falling in love with me and then you will get it back in abundance'

The Leo who lives in Brooklyn asks: ‘Are you ready to make love your greatest aim? I want to meet someone who will experience the joy of falling in love with me and then you will get it back in abundance’

Nagel said Garrick's homeless shelter in Harlem is 'nice' and is 'probably nicer than my apartment'

Nagel said Garrick’s homeless shelter in Harlem is ‘nice’ and is ‘probably nicer than my apartment’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk