Spinal surgery allows young netballer with severe scoliosis to return to the game she loves 

Eighteen months ago, talented netballer Olivia Demaine was bedridden with severe scoliosis.

The brave teenager from outback South Australia made her long-awaited comeback to the court for the first time when she competed in the SA Country Netball Championships held in Adelaide last weekend.

Olivia had major spinal surgery in March 2017 after her curve progressed from what was initially 49-degree to a 99-degree curve.

She now has a combination of titanium rods and screws around her spine.

Olivia Demaine’s curve progressed from what was initially 49-degree to a 99-degree curve

Olivia now has titanium rods and screws around her spine following major surgery

Olivia now has titanium rods and screws around her spine following major surgery

 ‘By the time we got to see a spine specialist, we were told fairly quickly that surgery [was needed] for Olivia, and that bracing would not hold her curve nor correct it,’ her mum Juliette told the ABC. 

Olivia, 13, added: “I had to have a halo for two weeks because it was so bad, and I couldn’t do anything … I was just lying in a bed. After my surgery, I started walking around more and … it was worth it … [because] now I’ve forgotten that it’s in my back.’

The Demaines shared their story to raise awareness as part of National Scoliosis Awareness Month.

The condition affects up to five per cent of Australian children, and is most common in teenage girls, according spine specialist Dr Mike Selby. 

The talented netballer was bedridden with severe scoliosis. Pictured is an X-ray before surgery

The talented netballer was bedridden with severe scoliosis. Pictured is an X-ray before surgery

Ms Demaine urged other parents to investigate any changes they noticed in their children because awareness and early detection was critical in the treatment of scoliosis sufferers.

‘It’s good to see her feel like a normal kid again from what has been quite a difficult time,’ Mrs Dermaine told the ABC.

Olivia said the operation was ‘worth it’.

‘It’s been very scary, but very good as well, because now I can get back to all the sports I used to do,’ she said.

An X-ray of Olivia's spine after surgery in March 2017.  Olivia returned to the netball court for the first time since surgery this weekend

An X-ray of Olivia’s spine after surgery in March 2017.  Olivia returned to the netball court for the first time since surgery this weekend


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk