Spooky mob of 12 kangaroos caught staring

A creeped-out mum spotted 12 kangaroos congregating ominously on a front lawn in a scene reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’.

Liz Ames’ photograph – which captures the mob of marsupials eerily staring at her – has freaked out the internet and drawn parallels with the 1963 classic.

The Sydney mum-of-two and husband Nick Canlan, both 43, were driving in the South West Rocks on the coast of New South Wales when they came across the unbelievable sight one month ago.

The couple had been on their way to a night out with friends just before sunset when Nick decided to take a shortcut to the pub, but they got completely lost in an unknown neighbourhood.

After driving for ‘what felt like years’ along different streets to try and find their way, the pair finally came to a dead end – before spotting the peculiar sight.

A creeped-out mum spotted 12 kangaroos congregating ominously on a front lawn in a scene reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’

Auditor Liz said: ‘We had absolutely no idea where we were, so we kept driving around hoping to find a way onto the main road.

‘We ended up in this random street that turned out to be a complete dead end, so we knew we needed to turn around.

‘As we reached the end of the road, we couldn’t believe our eyes.

‘In someone’s front yard, there were twelve kangaroos that had all just flocked to this one house.

‘They were just congregating there together on the front lawn.

‘It was really bizarre. I had absolutely no idea what they were doing.

‘It was all quite weird. They were just staring at us.

‘I don’t know why they preferred this one house, but there weren’t any other kangaroos in sight anywhere else on the street.

‘it was absolutely fascinating and I feel so lucky to have seen something like that – there was no way I would have gotten out of the car though.

‘Only in Australia would you ever see something like that. It was very Hitchcock-esque for sure.’

Liz Ames' photograph - which captures the mob of marsupials eerily staring at her - has freaked out the internet and drawn parallels with the 1963 classic

Liz Ames’ photograph – which captures the mob of marsupials eerily staring at her – has freaked out the internet and drawn parallels with the 1963 classic

Liz said she could see the resemblance to Alfred Hitchcock movie ‘The Birds’ as soon as she spotted the group, because every single pair of eyes were intently staring at her and Nick.

She added: ‘It was an amazing experience coming across all these kangaroos on the front lawn of this one house in a residential area.

‘If you look closely at the photograph there are a few mothers with their joeys either inside their pouch or besides them.

‘It was definitely a ”mothers group” of kangaroos that I think would be ready to pounce on anyone that may have come too close.’


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk