Spooky moment a ‘child ghost’ appears in deserted corridor

Ghost hunters claim to have captured a ‘child’s spirit’ stalking the corridors of an abandoned manor house. 

The team believe this eerie footage – captured last month in Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire – shows a child-sized apparition move across a hallway. 

Paranormal team Soul Reapers only spotted the spooky sighting after taking a closer look at the videos after exploring the 23,000 square-yard building – and now believe it was the figure of a child appearing from beyond the grave.

The team believe this eerie footage – captured last month in Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire – shows a child-sized apparition move across a hallway

But many people sceptical viewers believe it is just a shadow or a flicker on the camera lens.

Wentworth Woodhouse, located near Rotherham, is the largest private house in the UK and previously housed student accommodation but has only been open to visitors for the last decade after falling into disrepair.

Team member Mark Vernon, who claims to have the ability both to hear and speak to spirits, said: ‘In the video you can see a dark figure just standing there watching the cameraman.

‘We didn’t see it until we reviewed all the footage afterwards. We were quite lucky, we’d only been there for about two minutes before we caught this.

‘We had heard some reports of hauntings there, people saying not to go there. And that definitely seems to be the case.’

The group of five used cameras, motion sensors and audio recordings in the hope of capturing spirit voices inside the 17th century mansion when they visited last month.

But many people sceptical viewers believe it is just a shadow or a flicker on the camera lens

But many people sceptical viewers believe it is just a shadow or a flicker on the camera lens

Mr Vernon, 51, said they were still working their way through the recordings – and it was actually another spooky discovery that alerted them to the child.

He said a different camera picked up a deep growling sound when one of the members entered another room.

Dark rumours surround the sprawling property, which has stood since 1725 but fell into disrepair towards the end of the 20th century.

Last year, Chancellor Philip Hammond pledged more than £7 million to save the forgotten historic house.

There has been a number of unexplained sightings of ghosts and the spirits and children, and it even featured on the TV show Most Haunted.

Mr Vernon, 51, said they were still working their way through the recordings - and it was actually another spooky discovery that alerted them to the child. Pictured: The camera turns away

Mr Vernon, 51, said they were still working their way through the recordings – and it was actually another spooky discovery that alerted them to the child. Pictured: The camera turns away

Paranormal investigators claimed in April to have caught a ghost on camera inside one of the corridors- the first time they have done so in the show’s 15-year history.

Mr Vernon added: ‘One of our members heading into another room when he was growled at. It sounded pretty nasty, so we were concentrating on that when we found it.

‘I’ve been back a few times on my own in the daytime but haven’t found anything yet. We are planning to go back at night with the full team.’  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk