Springwatch’s newest star! Chris Packham’s step-daughter Megan McCubbin is a big hit with viewers

Springwatch has a new star! Chris Packham ropes his step-daughter Megan McCubbin into co-presenting duties on the nature show… and she’s a huge hit with viewers

  • Springwatch’s Chris Packham co-hosted the show with his step-daughter
  • Megan McCubbin, 25, is isolating with Packham during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The pair appeared together in the BBC wildlife show on Wednesday night
  • Miss McCubbin’s appearance was met with universal approval from viewers 

Chris Packham’s views on how the countryside should be looked after haven’t always endeared him to those who also happen to live in it.

But his decision to invite his step-daughter Megan McCubbin on to BBC2’s Springwatch programme was met with universal approval. 

It seems the nature show may have found a new star after 25-year-old zoologist Miss McCubbin made her debut as a guest presenter on Wednesday night.

Springwatch presenter Chris Packham (left) decided to co-host the BBC wildlife show with his step-daughter Megan McCubbin, 25, (right) on Wednesday night

The pair were able to sit side by side, because they have been living together since the lockdown began. 

Packham said: ‘Now I have been self-isolating down here in the New Forest for the last nine weeks with my step-daughter Megan McCubbin.’

The pair have remained close since Miss McCubbin’s mother Jo and Packham split up when she was 12.

Viewers took to social media to praise her debut. Steve Masters wrote: ‘Great to see Megan! Make her a constant team member!’ 

Packham has been isolating with his step-daughter in the New Forest during the coronavirus pandemic and her involvement in Wednesday's show was met with universal approval

Packham has been isolating with his step-daughter in the New Forest during the coronavirus pandemic and her involvement in Wednesday’s show was met with universal approval

One viewer commented: ‘Megan is a natural. Permanent presenter please.’ 

Another said: ‘I hope she will become a regular visitor.’

Last year Packham infuriated farmers and landowners by attempting to stop them shooting birds classed as vermin, such as crows and pigeons, and then went on to attack the practice of breeding and releasing pheasants for game shooting.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk