St. Louis metro priest charged with child porn and meth

A Catholic priest faces charges of child pornography and possession of methamphetamine after an anonymous tipster alerted police.

Gerald R. Hechenberger, 54, was arrested after a dawn police raid Monday morning on the rectory of the Holy Childhood of Jesus parish in Mascoutah, Illinois, a town 30 miles east of St. Louis.

He is charged with eight counts each of possession and dissemination of porn depicting a child under 13, and one count of possessing meth under five grams.

Hechenberger is an associate pastor at Holy Childhood, as well as at nearby parishes St. Pancratius Parish in Fayetteville and St. Liborius Parish in St. Libory.

Detectives in the Belleville Police Department initiated the investigation into Hechenbacher several weeks ago after receiving an online tip through the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force reporting line.

Gerald R. Hechenberger, 54, is charged with eight counts each of possession and dissemination of porn, and one count of possessing meth under five grams

He was arrested after a dawn police raid Monday morning on the rectory of the Holy Childhood of Jesus Catholic Church (pictured) in Mascoutah, Illinois, a town 30 miles east of St. Louis

He was arrested after a dawn police raid Monday morning on the rectory of the Holy Childhood of Jesus Catholic Church (pictured) in Mascoutah, Illinois, a town 30 miles east of St. Louis

Investigators built the case through ‘multiple search warrants, online investigative techniques, and surveillance details’, the department said in a statement.

The investigation culminated in a raid on Holy Childhood on Monday at 7am, with cops seizing multiple devices.

Police confirmed that Hechenbacher was the only person under investigation at the church. 

Parents of students at the parish’s attached Catholic primary school received an email from Principal Claudia Dougherty on Monday morning, the Belleville News-Democrat reported. 

‘Good morning, Father Jerry is under investigation. We will share more information when we have it. Your children are safe and sound — primary children are enjoying lunch! Blessings, Claudia,’ the email read.  

It is unknown whether Hechenbacher produced any of the alleged child porn himself, or whether he had any inappropriate contact with parish members or students.

‘Although Belleville Police do not have knowledge of any additional victims, we release this information and encourage parents to speak to their children if they had any contact with Hechenberger,’ police said in a statement.

Hechenberger is seen in a vacation photo. Police do not believe there are additional victims but have asked parents of children who may have had contact with him to speak to their kids

Hechenberger is seen in a vacation photo. Police do not believe there are additional victims but have asked parents of children who may have had contact with him to speak to their kids

‘At this point, the diocese has no reason to believe that any parishioners are affected by this matter,’ Bishop Edward K. Braxton said in a statement to the News-Democrat.

‘The diocese is awaiting an update on information from the civil authorities, and has assured them of the diocese’s full cooperation,’ he said. ‘This is a very serious matter for Father Hechenberger.’

In 2011, Hechenberger took a leave of absence from St. John the Baptist Parish in Smithton due to ‘very serious personal, pastoral and legal challenges’, a diocesan letter said at the time.

The letter from Rev. John McEvilly, vicar general of the Belleville Diocese did not offer specifics but did state: ‘In the present climate, it is important for you to know that the serious matters we are addressing do not involve the abuse of a minor.’

Hechenbacher wrote in a statement on the church’s website at the time that he was struggling with depression and that ‘some days it is a struggle to just get out of bed’ due to the medication he was taking.

He is currently being held pending bail of $2million. 

Court records do no list an upcoming appearance date for Hechenbacher and indicate a grand jury action is pending in his case. He could not be reached for comment.