Staffordshire guard drags trapped woman from burning car

An heroic security guard has told how he dragged a woman to safety- just moments before her car turned into a fireball.

Adam Sharman, 26, was driving home from work at JCB when he came across a two-vehicle smash on the outskirts of Cheadle, Staffordshire.

Within seconds, Mr Sharman and another passing motorist realised a woman was trapped inside her burning vehicle.

The pair then managed to prise the crumpled door open before pulling the woman out as the car became engulfed in flames.

Adam Sharman was driving home from work at JCB when he came across a two-vehicle smash on the outskirts of Cheadle, Staffordshire

Within seconds, Adam and another passing motorist realised a woman was trapped inside her burning vehicle and they leapt into action 

Within seconds, Adam and another passing motorist realised a woman was trapped inside her burning vehicle and they leapt into action 

Mr Sharman, of Stoke, said: ‘When I stopped you could see the smoke. I got out and there was a smashed up Citreon Saxo. I could hear the woman screaming.

‘She was stuck behind the steering wheel and the chassis was all crumpled. The engine was on fire and we had to bend the car’s door frame because it wouldn’t open.

‘The flames started to get bigger so we decided just to take an arm each and kept dragging her back – the car then completely went up in flames. We took her quite far back but you could still feel the heat.’

Firefighters and police later arrived at the scene in Cheadle Road at around 10.15pm on Friday (November 3)

Firefighters and police later arrived at the scene in Cheadle Road at around 10.15pm on Friday (November 3)

Emergency services including the police, fire service and ambulance soon arrived on the scene in Cheadle Road at around 10.15pm on Friday (November 3).

The woman was then taken to hospital after suffering serious injuries to her legs.

Adam believes the incident could have been a lot worse had he or the other motorist not stopped

Adam believes the incident could have been a lot worse had he or the other motorist not stopped

But Adam believes it could have been a lot worse had he and the other motorist not stopped.

He added: ‘If it was someone I cared about I hope someone would do the same thing. I always try to help out. 

‘I thought to myself afterwards that had we have been there just five minutes later it could have been horrific.

Luckily we were able to get her out.’

Throughout the incident Adam kept his bosses at JCB up-to-date.

He said: ‘I was updating work anyway so they knew what was happening but I asked if they could use my GPS location and send all of the emergency services.

‘They arrived shortly afterwards but by this time it was enough for the car to have up in flames.’

PC Dave Stubbs, from Staffordshire Police, was one of the police officers who attended the crash between the Saxo and a Land Rover.

He said: ‘In my view these people saved her life. They came across the collision and within seconds sprang into action and pulled her from the car.’