Stocking strangler- killed older women, man killed his boss executed

Two men, Carlton Gary and Michael Eggers, who were both convicted of murder, became the first executions of 2018 in their states’ of Georgia and Alabama respectively, on Thursday. 

Gary, 67, known as the ‘stocking strangler’ was put to death by injection of compounded pentobarbital, a barbiturate, at the state prison in Jackson. He was the first inmate executed by Georgia this year.

In neighboring Alabama, Eggers, 50, was the first inmate put to death by lethal injection without complications at a state prison, spokesman Bob Horton said.

Gary declined to request a last meal. He received the institutional tray consisting of grilled hamburger, hot dog, white beans, coleslaw, and grape beverage.

Eggers ate the general population’s dinner menu for his final meal, which consisted of chicken creole, dirty rice, turnip greens, creamed corn, cornbread and cake. 

Gary was strapped to a gurney with his eyes closed, he didn’t respond when Warden Eric Sellers asked if he wished to make a final statement or have a prayer recited.

Michael Eggers (pictured) was put to death in Alabama for murdering his female employer

Convicted murderer Carlton Gary (left) also known as the ‘Stocking Strangler’ was executed on Thursday in Georgia for the murder of three elderly women. Michael Eggers (right) was put to death in Alabama for murdering his female employer

The gurney used for lethal injections sits behind glass windows in a small cinder block building at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison (pictured), where Gary was executed

The gurney used for lethal injections sits behind glass windows in a small cinder block building at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison (pictured), where Gary was executed

The warden exited Gary’s execution chamber at 10:17pm.

Records from past executions show the lethal drug generally starts flowing within a couple of minutes of the warden exiting.

Gary took several quick breaths within a few of minutes of the warden exiting and then yawned before becoming still. He died at 10:33 p.m., Sellers told witnesses.

Gary was convicted in 1986 on three counts each of malice murder, rape and burglary for the 1977 deaths of 89-year-old Florence Scheible, 69-year-old Martha Thurmond and 74-year-old Kathleen Woodruff. 

Though charged only in those deaths, prosecutors say Gary attacked nine elderly women in the west Georgia city of Columbus from September 1977 to April 1978. Most were choked with stockings, and seven of them died.

Police arrested Gary six years after the last killing, in May 1984. 

He became a suspect when a gun stolen during a 1977 burglary in the upscale neighborhood where all but one of the victims lived was traced to him.

At trial, prosecutors introduced evidence from all nine attacks, arguing that common factors established a pattern. 

Gary was convicted for the 1977 murders of three elderly women in Georgia. 89-year-old Florence Scheible was one of Gary's victims 

Gary was convicted for the 1977 murders of three elderly women in Georgia. 89-year-old Florence Scheible was one of Gary’s victims 

Kathleen Woodruff, 74, was also another victim. Police said Gary broke into the women's homes and raped and murdered them 

Kathleen Woodruff, 74, was also another victim. Police said Gary broke into the women’s homes and raped and murdered them 

Martha Thurmond, 69, was also killed. According to police, Gary would choke his victims, often times with their own stocking before killing them

Martha Thurmond, 69, was also killed. According to police, Gary would choke his victims, often times with their own stocking before killing them

The victims were all older white women who lived alone and were sexually assaulted and choked, usually with stockings. 

They were attacked at home, usually in the evening, by someone who forced his way inside. 

All but one of the Georgia victims lived in the Wynnton neighborhood, and all lived near where Gary lived at the time of the crimes.

Prosecutors also presented evidence that they said connected Gary to similar crimes in New York state.

In a clemency petition and in filings before state and federal courts, Gary’s lawyers had argued that evidence not available to his trial attorney – either because the necessary testing didn’t exist yet or because it wasn’t disclosed by the state – proved he wasn’t the ‘stocking strangler.’

The state countered in court filings that the evidence Gary’s lawyers cited had already been considered by the courts and that his convictions and sentence had repeatedly been upheld by state and federal courts over the past three decades.

The State Board of Pardons and Paroles, the only authority in Georgia with the power to commute a death sentence, declined Wednesday to spare his life after holding a closed-door hearing to listen to arguments for and against clemency.

Appeals filed by Gary’s attorneys with state and federal courts were also rejected.     

Meanwhile Eggers was put to death at 7:30pm on Thursday, after dropping his appeal in 2016.

‘Mr. Eggers was convicted of brutally beating and then murdering Mrs. Francis Murray, who was simply trying to help him,’ Alabama Governor Kay Ivey said in a statement after the execution.  

Gary was denied clemency on Wednesday and was executed on Thursday just after 10pm at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson

Gary was denied clemency on Wednesday and was executed on Thursday just after 10pm at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson

Prosecutors said Eggers admitted to killing Murray, who was his employer, during an argument.

It was the first execution in Alabama since a botched lethal injection a few weeks ago.

The two men, neither of whom gave a final statement, were the fifth and sixth to be executed in the United States this year. Their executions brought to 1,471 the number of inmates put to death since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.

Alabama’s death chamber protocols have come under a federal court review after it aborted its attempt on Feb. 22 to execute Doyle Hamm, 61, a convicted murderer with terminal cancer and severely compromised veins.

After more than 10 attempts to place a needle, the execution was called off.