STOCKS TO WATCH: Medical firm seeks all-clear to update GPs

STOCKS TO WATCH: Medical firm seeks the all-clear to update GPs

Keep a health monitor on FTSE250-listed Primary Health Properties. 

It owns 500 medical centres and Stocks to Watch hears it has submitted proposals to the Treasury and MPs to modernise up to 750 surgeries ‘for the price of a packet of Lemsip per patient a year’. 

Many GPs’ surgeries are housed in cramped Victorian buildings which are unable to accommodate equipment such as X-ray machines and ultrasound scanners which could help them to relieve the pressure on hospitals. 

Idea: Primary Health Properties owns 500 medical centres and Stocks to Watch hears it has submitted proposals to the Treasury and MPs to modernise up to 750 surgeries

The idea is that if the Government shells out between £200million and £300million a year on rent it could unlock £3billion to £5billion of investment in new facilities. 

PHP argues that the green light could allow it to reach 12million to 18million patients in new and refurbished centres built much more quickly than hospitals. 

The stock has steadily climbed in recent years to sit around £1.50, valuing it at nearly £2billion. 

Word has it that a meeting with a Cabinet Minister is in the offing. 

As hospitals feel the strain from the pandemic, this one might have legs.

Sea shanty NFT 

How’s this for a new asset class? Sea shanty inspired online landscapes. 

Unique digital artwork paid for using blockchain technology is the latest Elon Musk driven investment craze. 

A digital-only art auction recently fetched £50million for artist Beeple at Christie’s. 

Now Nathan Evans, the sea shanty singing Scottish postie currently sat at No.1 in the singles charts with Wellerman, has teamed with animator Jonathan Monaghan for an art series which debuts tomorrow on and is expected to raise around £3million. More than enough for a few bottles of rum.  


Investors will decide whether to take a drag on Imperial Brands this week as the Davidoff owner informs the City on recent trading. 

It’s the first update since newish boss Stefan Bomhard unveiled his strategy to focus more keenly on markets such as the UK and US, while it builds up its business in next-generation products beyond traditional tobacco.