Stoke benefits cheat is filmed working as a scaffolder

A benefits cheat was filmed working as a scaffolder while swindling £50,000 in disability handouts during a scam that lasted almost a decade.

William Marshall, 54, from Blurton in Stoke on Trent, claimed disability living allowance (DLA) and employment support allowance (ESA) on the grounds he had crippling arthritis and was working less than 16 hours-a-week.

But Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) investigators caught him on camera carrying heavy poles and wooden planks about on a building site.


William Marshall, 54, was filmed working as a scaffolder while swindling £50,000 in disability handouts during a scam that lasted almost a decade

William Marshall, 54, was filmed working as a scaffolder while swindling £50,000 in disability handouts during a scam that lasted almost a decade

He had claimed DLA from 1996 and ESA from July 2013 to November 2015, Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard. 

Prosecutor Alexander Pritchard-Jones said: ‘He was in receipt of ESA on the grounds of arthritis in his knee, back and shoulders. It was paid to him on the basis he was unemployed and not doing paid work of more than 16 hours-a-week.

‘The DWP conducted surveillance and it transpired he was working as a scaffolder for more than 16 hours-a-week and the information provided on the claim form was wrong.’

Marshall told investigators he had returned to work for financial reasons.

Mr Pritchard-Jones added: ‘The DWP say he was working competently and did not deserve the money he was receiving. The total claimed was in excess of £50,000.’

Marshall admitted two charges of failing to notify a change of circumstances in relation to his benefit claims.

Stuart Muldoon, mitigating, conceded the offences were aggravated by the length of time over which the claims were made.

Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) investigators caught Marshall on camera carrying heavy poles and wooden planks about on a building site

Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) investigators caught Marshall on camera carrying heavy poles and wooden planks about on a building site

He said: ‘The DLA was given for life – there was no annual re-registration. He accepts by returning to work and not notifying the agency he is guilty of the offences.’

The court heard Marshall – who has no previous convictions – has repaid all of the ESA payments and is paying back the DLA at a rate of £100-a-month.

Judge Paul Glenn sentenced Marshall to nine months in prison, suspended for 18 months, with a rehabilitation activity requirement for 20 days and a six-month electronically-monitored curfew from 9pm to 5am.

He told the defendant: ‘You claimed benefits to which you were not entitled. You said you were unfit to work due to arthritis but when your circumstances changed you did not notify the DWP. 

‘Video surveillance showed you working as a scaffolder, carrying wooden boards and metal poles up and down scaffolding.’

He added: ‘Benefit fraud is prevalent. It is very easy to commit and very difficult to detect. The cost to the honest taxpayer is significant. You knew what you were doing. The DLA you were receiving was an additional tax-free income of about £3,500-a-year.

Marshall, 64, ran DLA scam from 1996 and got tax-free income of £3,500-a-year

Marshall, 64, ran DLA scam from 1996 and got tax-free income of £3,500-a-year

‘You have come as close as anyone can come to a custodial sentence without going away.’

The DWP today urged claimants to report any change in their circumstances – or risk ending up in court.

Following yesterday’s case, a DWP spokesman said: ‘Only a small minority of benefit claimants are dishonest, but cases like this show that we are rooting out the unscrupulous minority who are cheating the system and diverting taxpayers’ money from those who really need it. 

‘We are determined to find those who are abusing the welfare system by following up on tip-offs, undertaking surveillance work and working with councils.

‘Deliberately not informing us of a change in your condition that may affect your claim is a crime.’