Stoke man secretly followed ex-girlfriend for a year

An obsessed company director put his ex-girlfriend under surveillance for a year during which he spent hours spying on her at home, work and on the school run.

David Chell, 51, of Stoke-on-Trent, followed Lorna Baker and sent chilling messages to her saying: ‘You look well – I will be watching you but you will not see me.’

Administrative officer Miss Baker also spotted him driving behind her during rush hour and passing her in the street – even though he lived almost 50 miles away.

Lorna Baker

David Chell (left), of Stoke-on-Trent, followed Lorna Baker (right) and sent chilling messages to her saying: ‘You look well – I will be watching you but you will not see me’

When Miss Baker, who had a five-year romance with Chell after working for him, dropped or picked up her two children from school, he would be parked nearby.

One night as she was about to go bed, she got a message saying: ‘Don’t turn out the lights, I might be leaving soon and if so please say goodbye.’

When Miss Baker told him to leave her alone, he retorted: ‘You will never be rid of me’ – and even claimed he was dying.

The victim, who is in her 40s, later called police and in a statement said: ‘For the past 12 months since we split I feel he is not letting me move on.

‘On occasions I receive text messages with just a full stop or question mark – I just feel he’s telling me he’s still there.

‘I also have received messages saying ‘you look well’ and ‘I will be watching you but you will not see me’. It makes me feel anxious and I felt like I was being watched all the time and it’s a horrible, horrible feeling.

‘It made me feel uncomfortable taking the kids to school and in my own home – I didn’t like it. I’ve changed my phone number which I had for 15 years so he couldn’t contact me. 

‘I also changed my routes to work so there was no pattern he could follow. I’ve hardly slept at all. I just want to be getting on with my life and back to normal.’

Administrative officer Miss Baker (above) also spotted her ex-boyfriend driving behind her during the rush hour and passing her in the street - even though he lived almost 50 miles away

The couple had began dating in 2011 when Miss Baker (pictured) got a job as a book keeper at a plastics factory where Chell worked

Administrative officer Miss Baker (above) also spotted her ex-boyfriend driving behind her during the rush hour and passing her in the street – even though he lived almost 50 miles away

At Manchester Magistrates’ Court, Chell was convicted of an offence of stalking following a trial and was banned from contacting Miss Baker for three years under the terms of a restraining order prohibiting him from loitering near her home or children’s primary school in Sale.

The couple had began dating in 2011 when Miss Baker got a job as a book keeper at a plastics factory in Trafford Park near Manchester where Chell worked as a commercial director – but split up in January 2016.

She later began receiving silent calls from a withheld number and Chell, who has children from his former marriage, started following her as she did the school run.

He also began parking outside her home and sent her a text saying: ‘I saw you this morning you all look very well – I’m not stalking you, honest.’

Miss Baker told the hearing: ‘This behaviour only started after I said ‘no contact’ to him. 

‘It built up for a while before I contacted police but during the build up I just wanted to rebuild my life and for him to stay away and felt I was being watched by him all the time.’

‘I found the thought of someone watching me or following me when I don’t see them to very creepy. I got calls that I knew were him. I would feel hurt and embarrassed when he’s called me at my workplace.

‘At home I was in the house on my own, it was at night and I feel he was outside. It made me feel very uneasy. The messages were always cryptic. Once I was stood talking to my mum and he drove past the window of my house. ‘

Miss Baker (pictured) began receiving silent calls from a withheld number and Chell, who has children from his former marriage, started following her as she did the school run

Miss Baker told the hearing: 'This behaviour only started after I said 'no contact' to him.'

Miss Baker (pictured) began receiving silent calls from a withheld number and Chell, who has children from his former marriage, started following her as she did the school run

Miss Baker sent various texts to Chell in July 2016 in which she said: ‘This is your final attempt to make it clear to leave me alone. You have treated me terribly, lied, cheated.’ 

She added: ‘The police are aware of your harassment so stop now. You have done nothing but torture me for months and use me and my kids. All I see before me is a monster.’

But Chell replied: ‘I know I shouldn’t contact you, I hope you are all ok. I’m asking you to do some work extra for Santa, you would not need to see me. Sorry for contacting you this way – only trying to help.’

Miss Baker later dropped her complaint against Chell after he temporary stopped bothering her, but the following October while back on the school run she spotted him driving behind her in his black Audi.

‘It pulled in front and I knew it belonged to him,’ she said. ‘I couldn’t believe it was him and it made me feel a fool for retracting my statement.

‘He does work in Trafford Park but given he travels such a long way from Stoke and I’m there for 30 seconds I find it very hard to think it was accidental – not at that time in the morning in busy traffic.

Chell was convicted of stalking following a trial at Manchester Magistrates' Court

Chell was convicted of stalking following a trial at Manchester Magistrates’ Court

‘It’s not accidental driving past my children’s school at opening and closing times.

‘He knows I would be there at those times and being parked up in a lay-by. He’s got there parked up and waited for me to drive past. Everything he put me through was very, very creepy and horrible. The phone calls were a reminder that ‘I’m still here’.

‘I stopped having children’s friends around particularly when he was parked up because I thought he’s coming near the house. 

‘I stopped them having sleepovers and didn’t let the children play outside as much. I thought why would you not just stay away.’

Joanne Moore, prosecuting, said: ‘Miss Baker received numerous telephone calls from a withheld number and Mr Chell started to drive past her children’s school.

‘He placed himself where he knew she would be, at the school drop off and pick up times and he would be in his car near to there. He called, texted and drove past the school. He also parked at the house and left a note at the door.

‘She asked him to stop contacting her but he said ‘you will never be rid of me’. He sent emails to work and tried to call her mobile. Later he informed her he was dying and would like to say goodbye and talks of leaving off all the lights.

‘She took it that he was outside the address. He stated ‘Don’t turn out the lights, I will be with you soon’. When it was received she was getting ready to go to bed. She was concerned because she thought that meant he was watching her outside.

‘She asked him to leave her alone over email but the defendant drove past Ms Baker on numerous occasions. This had a detrimental effect on her life. She is unable to sleep, changed her working pattern, jumps at noises.

‘She wouldn’t let her children have sleepovers in case the defendant showed up at the address. She changed her phone number. This has caused professional embarrassment.’

Chell, who was unrepresented, claimed to have a ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) illness and denied stalking. 

He told the hearing: ‘I spent three years almost living with Lorna and the boys and we did everything as a family but I was feeling whether I could commit the rest of my life to that situation and we decided to call off our relationship.

‘I was not in a good situation with my health and I felt guilty I left her with the boys. I did definitely upset her and I ruined her world – she was a lovely girl I did wrong by leaving her.

‘But I was travelling to work the same routes as I always have done. On these occasions I may have seen Lorna 50 times and I’m not looking out for her. 

‘The school is close to one of the routes I could possibly take. On the days I did see Lorna it was accidental. It might be that I popped to the shops.

‘I didn’t harass her in any way, shape or form. I only sent messages telling her how sorry I am and finding out how she is. 

‘I would like to say I’m very sorry for any hurt or harm I’ve caused Miss Baker. I loved the woman I just couldn’t live with someone else’s children.’

Passing sentence, District Judge James Hatton told Chell: ‘You have turned up in places where you shouldn’t have been. It makes the case very serious indeed because of the persistence.’

Chell was also ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and pay £625 in costs and surcharges.