Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti wants to prove that Rudy Giuliani watches porn

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer wants to prove that Rudy Giuliani watches porn, after Trump’s attorney fired at the adult film star’s career.

Michael Avenatti, 47, took to Twitter on Saturday to call for help finding evidence that proves Giuliani, 74, consumes pornography.

‘I want to test Mr. Giuliani’s claims of being adamantly against pornography and having no use for adult film stars,’ he wrote. 

‘If anyone can provide me with any evidence of him voluntarily viewing pornography, I will protect you as a source and publish it. Let’s PROVE the hypocrisy. #Basta,’ he added. 

Last week Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, bashed Stormy Daniels

Michael Avenatti, left, tweeted Saturday calling for help finding evidence of Rudy Giuliani’s, right, pornography watching habits

He tweeted to find evidence of Giuliani watching porn after he fired at porn industry workers

He tweeted to find evidence of Giuliani watching porn after he fired at porn industry workers

However his call for help didn’t seem practical to all. 

‘Who on earth is gonna admit to watching porn with rudy guiliani? god speed, Michael,’ Chrissy Teigen tweeted in reply. 

He responded saying: ‘I see your point…This may be a touch ask but there may be other evidence available…’ 

Last week Giuliani fired at Avenatti’s client, porn star Stormy Daniels who alleges an affair with President Trump.

The former New York Mayor said people who work in the porn industry deserve zero credibility. 

‘If you’re a [feminist] and you support the porn industry, you should turn in your credentials,’ he said to CNN. 

Later he insinuated that Daniels’ career in adult film takes away the legitimacy of her Trump affair claims.  

‘So, Stormy, you want to bring a case, let me cross-examine you. Because the business you were in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight,’ he said. 

Avenatti is porn star Stormy Daniels' lawyer, who alleges to have had an affair with President Donald Trump, the lawyer and Daniels pictured above in May in West Hollywood

Avenatti is porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, who alleges to have had an affair with President Donald Trump, the lawyer and Daniels pictured above in May in West Hollywood

Chrissy Teigan hilariously responded to Avenatti's tweet saying 'God speed, Michael'

Chrissy Teigan hilariously responded to Avenatti’s tweet saying ‘God speed, Michael’

After Giuliani's comments, Avenatti defended Daniels saying 'I would put her character up against Mr. Giuliani's any day of the week'

After Giuliani’s comments, Avenatti defended Daniels saying ‘I would put her character up against Mr. Giuliani’s any day of the week’

‘I’m sorry I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who … isn’t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation,’ he added. 

But his comments have sparked outrage, particularly with Avenatti, who wants to expose Trump’s personal lawyer for watching porn.

Trump himself has been in Playboy videos three times. 

‘He’s basically stating that women that engage in the adult film industry and other forms of pornography don’t have reputations and are not entitled to respect,’ Avenatti said on Anderson Cooper 360. 

‘I certainly hope that we are not going to reach a place where Rudy Giuliani is going to be the police who is going to decide which women deserve respect or not,’ he added calling Giuliani ‘an absolute pig for making those comments’. 

He defended his comment on Twitter praising his client Daniels and rallying to support all women. 

‘My client @StormyDaniels should be celebrated for her courage, strength and intelligence. She is one of the most credible people I have ever met regardless of gender. Period. I would be put her character up against Mr. Giuliani’s any day of the week,’ he wrote on Thursday. 

‘As a father of two daughters, I stand by my comments. Entirely,’ he added.