Stormy Daniels receives 1,500 tips after releasing sketch

The legal team working for porn star Stormy Daniels has received more than 1,500 tips since they released a sketch of the man she says threatened her to stay quiet on her alleged affair with Donald Trump.

Her lawyer Michael Avenatti told TMZ on Wednesday that they had received over 1,500 leads in 24 hours via a tip line set up to identify the mystery man.

He added that only a few hundred were credible enough to pursue by the legal team.

Avenatti said they had already dedicated 40-60 man hours checking out the tips and they had teams of people in Las Vegas, California and New York. 

Stormy unveiled the sketch on The View Tuesday of the man she claims threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011.  


Porn star Stormy Daniels revealed the sketch that was made of the man she says threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011, after she went to the press with her story of having sexual relations with then-businessman Donald Trump 

Porn star Stormy Daniels participated in her first live television interview on Tuesday talking to the women of The View

Porn star Stormy Daniels participated in her first live television interview on Tuesday talking to the women of The View

Rehashing the story to The View, Daniels said the man approached her as she was getting her infant daughter out of the car to attend a mommy-and-me exercise class.

‘I noticed him because he was sort of well-dressed and nothing about him alarmed me,’ she said in her first live television interview since the hush money payment given to Daniels by President Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen was unveiled. 

‘I really thought he was somebody’s husband not wanting to be in whatever his wife was doing.’

When she noticed his reflection in her car’s window she expected him to ask for directions. Instead the man threatened the adult film actress and her daughter, telling her to ‘forget about this story, leave Mr Trump alone.’

Upon unveiling the sketch, Stormy’s lawyer said they would pay a  $100,000 reward for the identity of the man, and asked for tips to be sent to

‘We want to get to the bottom of who this is, and we think we know who this is, but we want to confirm it,’ Avenatti told The View’s audience. 

President Donald Trump has since accused Daniels of pulling a ‘total con job’ by releasing the artist’s sketch.

‘A sketch years later about a nonexistent man,’ Trump tweeted on Wednesday. ‘A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it!).’ 

Avenatti divulged more details about the mystery man during a Tuesday afternoon appearance with CNN’s Jake Tapper. 

The lawyer explained that Daniels had looked at photos of a number of individuals ‘we believe indirectly’ worked for Trump and Cohen, Avenatti said.  

‘She has reviewed, Jake, a number of photographs over the last few weeks, couple weeks, actually and we’ve narrowed it down,’ the lawyer said.  

The sketch of the man Stormy Daniels (center) said threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot is shown behind the co-hosts of The View 

The sketch of the man Stormy Daniels (center) said threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot is shown behind the co-hosts of The View 

He didn’t mention whether the drawing was made before or after Daniels saw the photos. 

Tapper asked why Avenatti and Daniels wanted the public’s help if they already narrowed it down.   

‘What we’re hoping for is someone saw something or heard something. Ideally one of these individuals would have bragged about it to a member of the public,’ Avenatti said. 

While many aspects of Daniel’s liaison with the now-president had already come out in the press – thanks, in part, to the 2011 interview she did with In Touch Weekly, which the magazine didn’t publish until this January – it was details about this threat that became the headline out of her 60 Minutes interview last month. 

Avenatti clarified on Tapper’s show that the threat to Daniels was made after she had talked to In Touch Weekly.  

Daniels told 60 Minutes that she did not report the encounter to police at the time because she was scared.

She reiterated that point to The View’s co-host Meghan McCain on Tuesday. 

‘I was scared, it was expressly what he told me not to do,’ Daniels said of taking the threat to authorities. 

She also pointed out that if she had gone to the police a public record would have been produced and she likely would have had to explain that she had a previous alleged sexual encounter with Trump, which is why the threat took place.

Porn star Stormy Daniels is photographed entering the studios for The View, as she gives her first live television interview 

Porn star Stormy Daniels is photographed entering the studios for The View, as she gives her first live television interview 

Stormy Daniels smiles as she walks alongside her lawyer Michael Avenatti (left) Tuesday in New York 

Stormy Daniels smiles as she walks alongside her lawyer Michael Avenatti (left) Tuesday in New York 

‘Honestly one of the main reasons I didn’t say anything is I didn’t tell my husband at the time,’ she said of her one night stand with Trump. ‘To go home and say, ‘I had this guy attack me, oh and by the way he did this because of this.’ I didn’t want him to think I was a bad mom and I put our daughter in danger.’ 

McCain asked why Daniels had never detailed the threat until the 60 Minutes interview, as the porn star had spoken off-the-record to news outlets about her encounter with Trump in the weeks before the election.

The adult film actress replied that she didn’t want to be asked the question McCain had just asked – why not call the cops?   

‘I did tell quite a few people actually from back then,’ Daniels then volunteered. ‘I told family members and two friends and people that I worked with.’  

At that point Avenatti jumped in to say that there was no way his client could ‘fabricate’ the man’s face. 

‘This is a very detailed sketch,’ he said. 

He explained how the sketch had been made by a woman named Lois Gibson who often works with the FBI. ‘She found Stormy to be very credible,’ Avenatti added. 

Co-host Joy Behar pointed out that the man ‘looks like an actor, sort of.’ 

‘That’s what stood out to me because I thought, honestly, that he was, you know, sort of handsome,’ Daniels said.

Promos for Tuesday's episode of The View showed Stormy Daniels (right) sitting down with forensic artist Lois Gibson (left), who created the sketch 

Promos for Tuesday’s episode of The View showed Stormy Daniels (right) sitting down with forensic artist Lois Gibson (left), who created the sketch 

Stormy Daniels (left) sat down with forensic artist Lois Gibson (right) earlier this month and described the man she says threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 

Stormy Daniels (left) sat down with forensic artist Lois Gibson (right) earlier this month and described the man she says threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011 

Avenatti had planned to release the drawing publicly last week, but the raid of Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s office and hotel room delayed the unveiling.  

‘Due to the FBI raids of Mr. Cohen’s office/home and a subsequent request we received this morning to delay the release of the forensic sketch of the thug that threatened Ms. Clifford to ‘leave Trump alone’, we will not be releasing the sketch or reward details today. Timing TBD,’ Avenatti tweeted last week after the Monday morning raid.

Cohen was responsible for giving Daniels $130,000 in hush money in October 2016 in exchange for her signing a non-disclosure agreement that barred her from talking about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump. 

Avenatti has made a number of legal maneuvers to prevent Daniels from having to pay damages for violating the NDA, which the lawyer had argued is invalid since Trump never signed on as a party. 

Cohen, for his part, has said he paid Daniels personally, and Trump has backed that account up. 

‘Let me just say, I work in the adult business and I’m a better actress than he is,’ Daniels replied to a clip The View played showing Trump denying he knew about the hush money payment.  

The longtime Trump fixer was in federal court Monday trying to prevent prosecutors from examining the content seized from the FBI’s raid on Cohen’s properties a week before. 

Daniels and Avenatti showed up at the hearing and then spoke to press waiting outside. 

‘For years Mr Cohen has acted like he is above the law, he has considered himself and openly referred to himself as Mr Trump’s fixer. He has played by a different set of rules , or should we say, no rules at all,’ Daniels told the crowd. ‘He has never thought that the little man, or especially women, even more – women like me – mattered.’ 

‘That ends now,’ the porn star said. 

‘My attorney and me are committed to making sure that everyone finds out the truth and the facts of what happens, and I give my word that we will not rest until that happens.’