Streaker arrested after nude run rugby league game

A streaker who was chased down by security after invading the field of play during a rugby league match will face a penalty of up to $5000 –  but says it’s all worth it after scoring a free trip around Central America.

Royce Edwards was tackled by match officials and arrested on Saturday as the Warriors faced off against the Sea Eagles at AMI Stadium in Christchurch. 

The youngster stripped down to nothing but his socks, jumped the barrier and ran onto the pitch moments after David Fusitu’a scored his third try. 


A streaker (pictured) was chased down by security after invading the rugby league field

Royce Edwards (pictured) spent six hours in the cells and faces a fine of up to $5000

Royce Edwards (pictured) spent six hours in the cells and faces a fine of up to $5000

‘It was by far the best night of my life,’ Mr Edwards told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Even being in the cells for six hours, even with security and the cops nearly breaking my arms, I have a clear conscience.

‘I do feel a little sorry for the ones that didn’t agree with it, but judging off the way the stadium erupted I could tell there was more that did.’ 

Mr Edwards was the first of many streakers over the weekend who made their way onto various sports fields in the name of a challenge set forward by controversial snapchatter Tim Mullins, also known as ‘Puklife’.  

The youngster ran onto the field during the Warrior vs Sea Eagles NRL game

The youngster ran onto the field during the Warrior vs Sea Eagles NRL game

He was tackled and arrested but has won a trip around Central America worth $3450 

He was tackled and arrested but has won a trip around Central America worth $3450 

Mr Mullins promoted across his various social media channels a Puk Tours ‘streak competition’, offering the winner a ‘free trip around Central America… worth $3450’.

‘I’ve never been out of New Zealand so I’m absolutely fizzing,’ Mr Edwards said. 

The promotion was extended to all season after initially failing to draw any punters last weekend.   

Kiwi social media personality Mr Mullins has been strongly criticised by New Zealand media in the past for his questionable content, featured on his ‘Puk Global’ platforms of ‘R18 travel videos’.

For the young man inspired to run, once he has passport in order he is will be off on ‘the trip of a lifetime’ but wants to set one record straight before he leaves. 

‘If I could clear the air for those who got a good shot of the merchandise… it wasn’t the warmest of nights so take it easy.’