Student dentist is jailed for 10 years for terror plot

Mohammed Awan, 24, was found guilty of preparing an ‘undefined’ terror attack and jailed for 10 years

A dentistry student who was ‘radicalised’ by his brother who became an ISIS suicide bomber has been jailed for 10 years for plotting a terror attack.

Dentistry student Mohammed Awan, 24, was convicted of preparing for an undefined attack after a three week trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

Awan, who was in the fourth year of his course at Sheffield University, was arrested by police in June after purchasing 500 ball bearings online.

The court heard he ‘adopted an outwardly innocent and respectable persona with the clear intention’ to ‘perpetrate a terrorist act without being detected.’

He also ‘rejoiced in the ritual executions and mutilation of other human beings being perpetrated by ISIS in the name of Islamic extremism’, the court heard. 

Awan was found to possess a ‘significant volume’ of extremist material, including advice on how to be a ‘sleeper cell’ in the West. 

His brother Rizwan Awan, 27, killed 30 people in a bomb blast in Iraq in 2016.

During a trial he told the court he found out his brother had died after seeing it on BBC News. 

Awan ‘retained documents’ from his brother ‘which celebrated brutal and depraved acts of terror such as beheadings, burning of people alive and the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris in 2015.’

Police seized 11 mobile phones, 16 USB memory sticks and seven computers in raids at addresses in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, were he was studying and Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, where he was raised.

One memory stick contained a 36-minute video of a senior al Qaida leader calling on young Muslims to join ISIS and featured graphic footage of how to kill and kidnap victims.

Awan denied the charges and told police that he was a keen fisherman and was researching hunting with a catapult. 

He was found guilty of two counts of possession of a document or record containing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

Awan, a dentistry student, was arrested after he was caught buying 500 ball bearings, pictured, over the internet

Awan, a dentistry student, was arrested after he was caught buying 500 ball bearings, pictured, over the internet

The court heard Awan was radicalised by his brother Rizwan, pictured, who joined ISIS and carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq in 2016, killing 30 people

The court heard Awan was radicalised by his brother Rizwan, pictured, who joined ISIS and carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq in 2016, killing 30 people

Awan was also found guilty of one charge of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts or assisting others to commit such acts.

In mitigation, Imran Khan told the court Awan ‘wanted to be a dentist since the age of 12’.

He added: ‘That career is now doomed forever. His father and grandfather were in the British army.


Awan’s brother Rizwan, 27, killed 30 people in a suicide bombing in Iraq in 2016.

The former Honley High School and Bradford College student was one of five ISIS suicide bombers who rammed explosives-laden vehicles into the military checkpoint near the town of Al-Baghdadi in Anbar province.

After the incident ISIS posted a picture of Awan smiling while holding an AK47. They called him Abu Musa al-Britani – a name he adopted when he joined the group.

And his father Mohammed Idrees, who thought he had left for Saudi Arabia, insisted he was confused by his son’s involvement.

He said: ‘We knew him as a caring loving person, well educated, happily married, living independently with his wife and in a secure employment.’

He added: ‘Throughout, we have been peaceful, hardworking and contributing citizens of Huddersfield. Our family is well known and respected in the area, as evident by the level of support that has come our way.

‘As a hard-working family, we have encouraged and supported our children into further education and employment.’ 

Awan and his wife left his family in early 2015, informing them that he was moving to Saudi Arabia.

Awan’s family said that he showed no signs of radicalisation before he disappeared in May 2015 and that he was a ‘bright, educated young man.’

Police have told them he made his way to Turkey and is then thought to have entered Syria.

Whilst in the UK, Awan worked as a call handler for British Gas in Leeds and was once brutally attacked as an innocent bystander in a gang war when he was 18. 

‘There was no doubt he was groomed by his older brother. He was vulnerable to that.

‘His family want to make it known despite the guilty verdict they condemn all forms of terrorism.’

Sentencing, Judge Paul Watson QC said Awan was no ‘Walter Mitty fantasist’ and was radicalised by his brother Rizwan.

Judge Watson QC said: ‘At the time of your arrest, you were a student at Sheffield University while you were in the fourth year of your studies in dentistry.

‘In May 2015 your older brother Rizwan and his wife left this country for Syria in order to join with and fight for so-called IS.

‘Before he left either he, or you, or you and he together, downloaded a great deal of extremist material, mostly videos, with titles such as ‘How the west abolished the previous Khalifa’ and ‘Islamic State reporting of civilian life’.

‘Once he was in Syria he was in contact with you and it is clear to me that by that time you were already well on the way to becoming radicalised yourself.

‘You were creating notes on your own electronic devices which showed that you had been fantasising about taking part in fighting on behalf of the caliphate and that you weRe intent on engaging in activity on behalf of IS, whether here or abroad.

‘You seem to have rejoiced in the ritual executions and mutilation of other human beings being perpetrated by ISIS in the name of Islamic extremism.

‘After your brother left for Syria, the content of the video material on the USB became increasingly extreme.

‘I do not for one minute think that the terrorist act would have involved the use of a mere catapult.

‘The purchase of the catapult, I am sure, was no more than part of a cover story to explain your purchase of over 500 ball bearings if the police should ever enquire.

‘What you would have done if you had remained undetected will never, thankfully, be known.

‘You had all the advantages of a young man growing up in this country in a family of respectable, caring and dedicated parents.

‘The devastation for them is barely imaginable.

‘They know, as you do, that they will be now losing their youngest son for a very long time.

Armed police raided his house in Sheffield, pictured, when he was arrested in June

Armed police raided his house in Sheffield, pictured, when he was arrested in June

‘You are, in my view, someone who is even now in the grip of idealistic extremism.’

Awan was sentenced to 10 years in custody for the three offences, with a further three years to be spent on licence.

He was told by the judge he must spend at least two thirds of the sentence behind bars before he will be considered for release.

Awan, dressed in a black suit, sat motionless throughout the sentencing, while his father cried in the public gallery as the verdict was read to the court.