Student fined £70 after smartphone bus ticket failed

A teenage student was left ‘close to tears’ when she was slapped with a £70 fine by a ‘jobsworth’ National Express bus inspector – despite having already purchased a ticket.

Bailey Pearce, 18, took the bus to college on October 11 and showed the driver her e-ticket purchased via the travel company’s website as she got on the bus.

However within a couple of stops, the teenager claims an ‘unbelievable’ inspector boarded the Birmingham-bound bus and demanded to see her ticket – but her phone had since died.

Bailey Pearce, pictured with her smartphone had purchased a bus ticket to go to college but after boarding  her phone died and she was unable to show the ticket to an inspector

National Express levied a £40 fine on the student

The fine was increased to £70 after the company rejected an appeal

The ticket inspector issued Ms Pearce with a £40 standard fare charge which was increased to £70 after the company rejected the teenager’s appeal against the original decision 

Despite describing how she had shown the e-ticket to the driver before her battery gave up, the inspector issued her a £40 standard fare charge.

Outraged at the ‘injustice’, Bailey’s mum Alison appealed the fine but it was upheld and instead raised to £70.

Alison is now calling on inspectors to use their ‘common sense’ in circumstances like this and for transport companies to have something in place for ‘inevitable’ technical difficulties that might befall genuine commuters.

Bailey, from Aldridge, West Midlands, said: ‘I was so embarrassed that I was close to tears because I don’t like those situations – especially when it’s an older man, it can be quite intimidating.

‘I was so angry that the driver hadn’t been paying enough attention to know if I had paid because then he could have helped me.

‘In front of everyone, he asked me to go downstairs and get off the bus then gave me the fine.

Ms Pearce's mother Alison wrote an appeal to the company which was initially rejected

Ms Pearce’s mother Alison wrote an appeal to the company which was initially rejected

The company insisted the inspector had made the correct decision as passengers must ensure they have enough battery power on their phones to enable them to show their tickets 

The company insisted the inspector had made the correct decision as passengers must ensure they have enough battery power on their phones to enable them to show their tickets 

The company later withdrew the £70 fine 'as a gesture of goodwill' after the press intervened

The company later withdrew the £70 fine ‘as a gesture of goodwill’ after the press intervened

‘I was annoyed that the driver had let me on without looking at my ticket. I always pay the fare, but I do know people at college who get on without paying and that driver wouldn’t even know.’

Alison, 47, said: ‘It’s unbelievable. She bought the ticket at my mum’s and my stepdad paid for it.

‘She was on her way to college when an inspector got on. Her phone had started playing up and had turned itself off as she sat down but she had already shown it to the driver.

‘Bailey tried to explain to the inspector that her phone had died and she wouldn’t have been to get on the bus had she not shown the driver, but he gave her a fine anyway.

‘I suppose he was just doing his job but surely they need to have something in place for when technical difficulties inevitably happen. They should have a system where they can check based on an email address or name.

‘I wrote to National Express and in the time it has taken them to reply, the fine has gone up to £70.

‘Bailey attends college in Birmingham where she studies theatrical makeup. How on earth do they expect her to pay that? She’s not earning anything.

‘She told me that when she showed the driver the ticket he wasn’t really that bothered anyway, so when the inspector got on the bus he couldn’t remember whether he’d seen it or not.

‘Bailey’s not the type of person who would try to get away with not paying the fare and if she had, I would have told her she deserves it.

‘There needs to be someway of checking for when this happens. They should use some common sense. There should be some way of backing it up.

‘She got off the bus as soon as she got the fine and came to see me at work.. She couldn’t believe it. She’s mortified.

‘I honestly didn’t think she’d have to pay after sending them proof that she had a ticket. I can’t see what they are fining her for. We’ve proved that the ticket has been bought so they should wipe it.

‘What would happen if she’d lost her phone or it’d been stolen? How would she get home?’

After being contacted by the press, National Express defended the inspector’s actions and claimed the charge was issued correctly, however have now withdrew it as a ‘gesture of goodwill’.

A spokesperson for National Express said: ‘We have written to Ms Pearce to say that although the charge was issued correctly for the reason stated, National Express West Midlands has authorised the withdrawal of this charge as a gesture of goodwill on this occasion.’