Students spark outrage by wearing jackets with rape jokes

University students on a night out have sparked outrage after wearing high visibility tabards plastered with controversial graffiti including ‘I love Vegas concerts’, ‘I love rape’ and drawings of Nazi swastikas.

Students belonging to the Camborne School of Mines society (CSM) from the University of Exeter’s Falmouth campus were on a night out when they were snapped wearing the hi-viz jackets, which also had ‘F*** the Syrians’ and other offensive symbols written on them.

The Vegas jibe comes less than a week after 58 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured when Stephen Paddock opened fire from the 32 floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel into a crowd of revellers at a country music festival. 

Those on the night out in Penryn were later urged to take down any photos from social media and ‘destroy’ their hi-viz jackets in a desperate attempt to avoid any further backlash.   

Students belonging to the Camborne School of Mines society (CSM) from the University of Exeter’s Falmouth campus were on a night out when they were snapped wearing the hi-viz jackets 

One screenshot message to the private Facebook group ‘Geolo-G’s’ said: ‘Whatever you do, do not wear your high vis from last night to your practical.

‘I hope you enjoyed the evening but to stay safe do not wear anything from last night again.’

A second message, from another society member, said: ‘Right guys. Last night was great fun but it’s definitely going to receive some consequences. Please destroy any high-vis tops you have (you can make new ones next year). If you have any photos or videos, delete them NOW. This is for your best interest and us as a committee.’

On an open Facebook group called ‘Penryn Campus Fitfinder’, unrepentent students have anonymously tried to defend the actions of the CMS social as ‘banter’. 

One post read: ‘Any falmouth students that can’t handle a bit of csm banter need to grow up. We’ve been here for over 125 years and aren’t going any time soon snowflakes.’ 

However other students from the university tried to apologise for the scandal.

One student wrote on the Penryn Campus Fitfinder page: ‘I am a CSM student studying engineering geology. I have lived in Cornwall all my life.

‘Like the rest of you, I am utterly dismayed with the actions of last nights social.

‘There is a small cohort of students who are ruining it for us all. It’s an embarrassment for me to tell people I’m CSM.’

‘Yet having grown up in Cornwall, knowing a lot about CSM traditions, old Cornish miners, and their associated mining towns history.

‘I love rape’ is not ‘banter’ or a part of Cornish culture. Those disgusting quotes do not represent CSM or anything Cornish for that matter.

‘I and the other 80 per cent of CSM students who didn’t attend were not a part of last nights antics. Please do not tarnish us all with the same brush..

‘There are so many great characters, that like me are disgusted with last night.

‘The PPE social does not represent the heritage of Cornish mining, the passing century’s of Cornish miners would not be proud of those quotes.

‘Welcome to the 21st century CSM, stop pissing people off, bring your traditions with you and behave or risk loosing them altogether!

‘I will continue to be proud of CSM and its history, as my interpretation of the traditions and heritage clearly differs from those laughing about it last night.

‘On behalf of the majority of CSM students. Rape and shooting kids isn’t a joke. Apologies.’

A CSM student, who asked not to be named, apologised for the actions of those involved, saying: ‘We are aware that students on the CSM social last night had offensive comments written on hi-vis jackets. We apologise for any offence caused from this on what is usually a light hearted and fun traditional night for CSM students.’  

A University of Exeter spokesman said: ‘The University of Exeter and the Falmouth and Exeter Students Union (FXU) have a zero-tolerance policy towards racist, misogynist or similarly highly-offensive behaviour of any form.

‘As soon as we were made aware of this incident we sought immediately to identify the students and organisers involved and demanded that all offensive material be removed.

‘An investigation was launched immediately and the consequences for anyone found to have breached our code of conduct will be determined by our disciplinary processes.

‘We take the welfare and wellbeing of all our students, and our relationship with the local community, very seriously and are extremely disappointed by these unacceptable actions displayed by a small number of students, and we apologise unreservedly for the offence caused.’