Students use Google Assistant to create a voice-activated robot that makes grilled cheese toasties

Fire up Cheeseborg! Industrious students use Google Assistant to create a voice-activated robot that makes them grilled cheese sandwiches

  • The un-brie-lieveable bot was made by engineer Taylor Tabb, 24, and colleagues
  • Cheeseborg is linked to a Google Home smart assistant to receive commands
  • The elements of the sandwich are assembled by a vacuum arm and conveyor
  • The robot then grills the sandwich before pushing it into a collection chute 

A voice-controlled robot that can make you perfect grilled cheese sandwiches on demand has been created by a team of students in the US. 

‘Cheesborg’ is the brainchild of engineer Tayor Tabb, 24, and colleagues, who created the toastie maker at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The process begins with a voice command to a connected Google Home smart assistant.

The cheesy contraption uses a vacuum to begin to assemble the sandwich — loading two slices of bread and one slice of cheese onto its conveyor belt.

Next, the conveyor moves the ingredients into a sandwich press and closes the lid ready for grilling.

When the toastie is done, the delicious snack is pushed down into the pickup area where it can be collected and consumed.


A voice-controlled robot that can make you perfect grilled cheese sandwiches on demand, pictured, has been created by a team of students in the US

‘While grilled cheese is a comfort food, the process of making grilled cheese is less than ideal,’ said Mr Tabb.

‘As hungry college students awake at hours [at which] it’s often hard to find food, we knew this was our calling- not just for us, but for grilled cheese eaters everywhere.’

‘At first it was simple — what if a robot could make you a grilled cheese?’

‘But once that seemed doable, we thought we could be even bolder.

‘What if you could make a grilled cheese and make it totally hands free and voice activated and able to be integrated it into a smart home?

‘And that, that is Cheeseborg.’

‘Our research and testing led us to find the perfect cook time and temperature for our grilled cheese,’ he added.

We optimised for gooey on the inside and crispy on the outside!’

'Cheesborg' is the brainchild of engineer Tayor Tabb, 24, and colleagues, who created the toastie maker at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

‘Cheesborg’ is the brainchild of engineer Tayor Tabb, 24, and colleagues, who created the toastie maker at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

When the toastie is done, the delicious snack is pushed down into the pickup area where it can be collected and consumed

When the toastie is done, the delicious snack is pushed down into the pickup area where it can be collected and consumed


Flippy is an artificial intelligence-driven robot that can flip burgers on a grill and then place them on a bung once they are done cooking.

It is designed with a 6-axis robotic arm and cameras and sensors to see its environment. 

The robots arm is fitted with a spatula tool, allowing it to slide under the patty on the grill and flip it over.

Flippy also alerts human workers when it is time to add the cheese or other toppings.

Its software lets it distinguish between different meats on the grill and when they are done cooking.