Success Stories: Jimi’s story | Daily Mail Online

Jimi is a dedicated Coach who loves posting positive messages on his Instagram page – @imij80 – every Monday to keep members motivated. He’s lost 6st and has become a fitness fanatic, racking up more than 100 FitPoints a week. Jimi tell his story…

Remember WW is for everyone

My GP had concerns about my high blood pressure, sciatica, joint pain and astha, but honestly, I wasn’t happy about being referred to Weight Watchers. I thought it was a programme aimed at women and that I’d feel out of place there. But I wanted to support my partner, Caroline, who has also been referred, so I went along. At over 18st, I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself – I knew I had to try something.’

Healthy doesn’t mean boring!

I was worried I’d be hungry all the time on Weight Watchers. But Caroline and I both got hooked on the plan and found so many new things to try. My taste buds have developed exponentially! Now, I can’t wait to tuck into new cuisines, flavours and textures. I love Korean-influenced food, like barbecued pork and kimchi. I’d never even eaten a pear before joining Weight Watchers. Now I adore all fruits and veg.

Reward your victories

Celebrate and reward everything. If you just nailed a weigh-in, give someone a high five. Just finished a workout that initially felt daunting? Buy yourself some new active wear. Got the spices just right in the curry you cooked from scratch? Treat yourself to a new kitchen gadget.

Indulging is good for you

Caroline and I go to the cinema twice a week – it’s our ‘Smile’ time – and we’ve found plenty of great ways to feel the joy of cinema snacking without going crazy. We like to bring along Free’ist Marshmallows and Propercorn Smooth Peanut & Almond Popcorn as they’re smarter options that still feel indulgent.

My yes moment

It had to be getting into Weight Watchers magazine! In the past I did everything I could to avoid having my photo taken, then suddenly there I was dressed up, groomed and posing in front of a camera – it was surreal. I had a great time and felt very proud of my achievement. My family and members loved it.

Follow Jimi on Instagram at @imij80
