Sudanese footballer, 17, has five teeth knocked out of their sockets after ‘racial attack’

A Sudanese footballer claims he was racially abused on the field before an opponent knocked five of his teeth out with a sickening cheap shot.

Ngor Aker, whose family fled South Sudan 14 years ago, said he was taunted before the alleged attack during a game for Geelong College against Haileybury in Melbourne on Saturday.

‘A bloke turned around and said, ”watch out you’ve got a shadow following you”, and I walked up to him and said, ”oi, trying to be racist?” ‘He’s like ”yeah I am, what are you going to do”?’ the 17-year-old told Nine News. 

Ngor Aker claims he was racially abused on the field before an opponent knocked five of his teeth out with a sickening cheap shot

Ngor said he then pushed his opponent before he was brutally hit in the face behind the play. 

‘I wasn’t expecting it and then as soon as it happened I just got down on my knees and felt my mouth and saw a bunch of blood was coming out,’ he said. 

Ngor was rushed hospital with a fractured jaw and shocking injuries to his gums and lips. Five of his front teeth were dislodged from their sockets.  

‘It was a very strong strike on the jaw. It looked deliberate,’ a witness told The Age.

‘He fell to the ground and was quite shocked and there was blood coming from his mouth. You wouldn’t expect that sort of incident to happen on a football field.’

Ngor’s mother, Chagai Gum Malong, said she has been left devastated by the incident.   

Ngor  said he was taunted before the alleged attack during a game for Geelong College in Melbourne on Saturday

Ngor said he was taunted before the alleged attack during a game for Geelong College in Melbourne on Saturday

‘No one deserves to be put down because they were born in certain way. No one chooses that, it’s painful,’ she told Nine News.

Ngor, who said he has been racially abused during a match ‘on multiple occasions’, is unsure if he will return to the field.  

It is understood Ngor’s opponent was removed from the field following the alleged attack and will face a tribunal on Tuesday night. 

‘The incident that occurred on Saturday… is currently being investigated by the School and we cannot comment further,’ Haileybury Principal Derek Scott told Daily Mail Australia in a statement. 

Geelong College has been approached for comment.  

Ngor was rushed hospital with a fractured jaw and shocking injuries to his gums and lips - with his five front teeth dislodged from their sockets

Ngor was rushed hospital with a fractured jaw and shocking injuries to his gums and lips – with his five front teeth dislodged from their sockets