Suicide prevention calls jumped 25% last week after the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain

Calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline went up 25 percent last week, after the news of both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain taking their own lives.

The number (1-800-273-8255) directs callers to one of more than 150 crisis centers around the US, where trained counselors are on-hand 24 hours a day for support. 

A spike in calls is common after high-profile deaths by suicide, and increasingly so as the news reaches more and more people through websites and social media, and more and more suffer from depression and other mental health conditions.    

However, suicide support groups are desperately underfunded, making these waves of calls ever more difficult to respond to. 

Anthony Bourdain

Suicide hotlines received more calls last week after the news of both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain taking their own lives

‘Our crisis centers across the country are chronically underfunded,’ said John Draper, executive director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, who confirmed the 25 percent increase to the Wall Street Journal.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided about $35 million in 2017 to fund research into ‘suicide prevention,’ with another $68 million devoted to the category of ‘suicide,’ according to the agency’s statistics.

There were 45,000 U.S. suicides in 2016. In comparison, alcoholism, which killed an estimated 65,000 Americans in 2015, saw $500 million in funded research last year.

Private charities, which help sustain suicide prevention hotlines, also have a harder time raising funds than those that tackle some other health issues, experts said.

‘Look at breast cancer. More people will die by suicide than breast cancer this year,’ said Dan Reidenberg, executive director of the nonprofit Suicide Awareness Voices of Education.

Almost $690 million was spent on breast cancer research last year, according to NIH statistics.

The United States has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world, according to World Health Organization data. In 2015, the United States had a rate of 15.3 suicides per 100,000 people, well above the global average of 10.6 per 100,000, according to WHO.

Bourdain, a chef and host of CNN’s ‘Parts Unknown’ food-and-travel show, died of an apparent suicide on Friday in a French hotel. Spade, a fashion designer known for her popular handbags, was found dead in her apartment on Tuesday after what her husband described as a long battle with depression.

Scientists are making progress in identifying ways of predicting suicide risk more precisely, including biomarkers that could indicate whether someone is more likely to attempt it, said Jane Pearson, chairwoman of the National Institute of Mental Health’s suicide research consortium.

Undiagnosed mental health problems, stresses such as loss of a job or a loved one, relationship problems, financial difficulties and physical problems can contribute to suicide, experts said.

‘It’s usually a confluence of factors,’ said Jerry Reed, a member of the executive committee of the Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. ‘We have to be mindful of the whole spectrum.’

Research has shown that direct intervention, much like the use of suicide hotlines, can help people contemplating suicide to change their minds, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s Draper said.

The key is to think of suicide as a public health issue, much like diseases such as AIDS or cancer, said Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

While tragic, the deaths of Spade and Bourdain could help spread the message that suicides can be prevented, experts said.

‘It definitely is a teachable moment,’ Pearson said.

  • For confidential help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or click here
  • For confidential support on suicide matters in the UK, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here
  • For confidential support in Australia, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or click here