Sunrise hosts are left gobsmacked after Gretel Killeen accidentally swears live on air

Whoops! Sunrise hosts are left stunned after Gretel Killeen drops the F-bomb during a live segment

It’s only the second week of the year, but Channel Seven’s Sunrise has already experienced its first on-air blunder. 

On Tuesday morning, the breakfast show’s hosts were left gobsmacked after panellist Gretel Killeen dropped the F-bomb live on air. 

The unfortunate gaffe occurred during a segment about a flight from the Gold Coast to Singapore that turned back after a passenger started a brawl.

Reflecting on the incident, Gretel explained: ‘It doesn’t have to be budget flights – I’ve been on many flights where people have been pi**ed as newts.’

She added: ‘In fact, I was on a budget flight, someone stood up during take off [and said]. “I gotta do a f***ing pi**”.’ 

Realising what she’d just said, Gretel’s jaw immediately dropped.

Whoops! Sunrise hosts were left stunned after Gretel Killeen (right) dropped the F-bomb during a live segment on Tuesday

‘Ooh, excuse me. That’s what he said – just delete! Delete that!’ she stammered, covering her mouth in horror. 

The camera then showed a dumbstruck David Koch, who reminded Gretel they are on live television and can’t ‘delete, delete’. 

Meanwhile, Samantha Armytage laughed hysterically from the Sunrise desk. 

Oops! David Koch and Samantha Armytage couldn't hide their surprise at Gretel's on-air gaffe 

Oops! David Koch and Samantha Armytage couldn’t hide their surprise at Gretel’s on-air gaffe 

Despite the less-than-perfect moment, fans took to Twitter to praise Gretel for her candour.  

‘I would like to say @gretelkilleen is my hero and spirit animal!’ one person tweeted. 

‘Gretel could have dropped 10 F-bombs and it would still be far from the worst thing ever said on Sunrise,’ another viewer wrote. 

She's a hit! Despite the less-than-perfect moment, fans took to Twitter to praise Gretel for her candour

She’s a hit! Despite the less-than-perfect moment, fans took to Twitter to praise Gretel for her candour