Surf champion Sally Fitzgibbons shares her 10 second trick to beating dreaded flu this winter season

As an international surf champion, a health and wellness author and qualified personal trainer, Sally Fitzgibbons knows a thing or two about taking care of her well being.

The Under Armour ambassador is known for sharing her expert advice on how to stay on top of your fitness goals, and the professional surfer has now revealed how she maintains a healthy immune system to stave off the flu this winter season.

Speaking to Body and Soul, Ms Fitzgibbons said that building up immunity to avoid catching a dose isn’t really that hard at all – in fact, it’s as simply as hopping into the shower.

Ms Fitzgibbons (pictured here on her Instagram) keeps her immune system strong by turning on cold water for thirty seconds or more at the end of every shower

‘Exposure is key and to work up to it, have your warm shower and then the last 30 seconds put it on cold,’ the star athlete said. 

‘You might only last ten seconds, but build up that tolerance and just connect with your breath when you’re in that cold environment.’

The professional surfer added that fuelling your body with the right nutrients is equally important over the coming months to keep those pesky colds and flu at bay.

The professional surfer says that the key to her radiant appearance is a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise and mental outlook

The professional surfer says that the key to her radiant appearance is a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise and mental outlook

No stranger to cold water: Ms Fitzgibbons spends much of her time either on the beach or surfing in the ocean

No stranger to cold water: Ms Fitzgibbons spends much of her time either on the beach or surfing in the ocean

Sally’s nutrition, health and beauty secrets

* Keep your plate colourful, and mix up different varieties of fruit and veg.

* Eat seasonally and keep it unprocessed.

* Care about the fuel you’re giving your body – don’t fill it with rubbish.

* Mix up your training – strength work, cardio and ’rounding out’ exercises like yoga, Pilates and meditation all have their benefits. 

* Moisturise regularly, and after every shower. Keep products as natural as possible.

* DIY your own sugar and water scrub to remove SPF at the end of the day.

Speaking to FEMAIL in November 2017, Ms Fitzgibbons said that if you put rubbish into your body, you will feel rubbish in return.

‘I make sure I’m constantly mixing up the different varieties of fruit and veg I’m eating so my body is absorbing as many different nutrients and vitamins from my food,’ the star athlete said.

Building immunity and resilience to the cold from the inside out is the key to staying healthy, Ms Fitzgibbons said, adding that she tries to keep her diet free from processed foods as much as she possibly can.

When she does occasionally give in to indulgence, the Under Armour ambassador opts for vegan treats, figs or a punnet of berries. 


The surf star steers clear of processed and refined foods

The surf star steers clear of processed and refined foods

The Under Armour ambassador says that she tries to be present and live in the moment

The Under Armour ambassador says that she tries to be present and live in the moment

Taking a holistic approach to life, the New South Wales surf champion said that a positive mental outlook is also important to maintaining overall good health. 

Ms Fitzgibbons says that she always tries to live in the moment and steer clear of negativity. 

‘I think it’s just trying to keep up with the pace of the present, so just be right where your feet are and just being calm and in the moment – like not worrying about things you have to do.’