Suspect arrested in subway ‘manspreading’ attack on woman

A suspect has been arrested in the subway punching attack on a woman who told a fellow rider to stop ‘manspreading’.

Derek Smith, 56, was arrested on Saturday in connection with the assault on 37-year-old Sam Saia on New York’s N Train earlier this week, the aftermath of which was caught on video.

Saia said was riding the train through Brooklyn on Thursday morning when she politely asked a man sitting next to her to make room and stop crowding her into the wall of the train.

‘B***h, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b****s like you f***ing c**t!’ she says the foul-mouthed stranger yelled at her before punching her in the face, the Daily News reported. 

Thankfully, a fellow straphanger intervened and grabbed the attacker, forcing him off at the next stop.

Sam Saia, 37, posted this picture on her Facebook page after the incident on the NYC subway where she says a man hit her after she told him to move

Saia said that cops gave her the runaround when she tried to file a report, shuffling her from the 17th Precinct to Transit District 34.

NYPD rules specify that cops are supposed to take crime reports on the spot, instead of referring victims to other commands.

Frustrated, Saia took her story to social media, where video of the Good Samaritan intervening went viral – presumably spurring cops into action and leading to Smith’s arrest. 

Brooklyn commuter Victor Conde, the brave passenger that rescued Saia, said he had intervened when he saw her in trouble and ordered her attacker to ‘Get the ‘F’ off the train.’

‘He was definitely not all there,’ the 29-year-old added. 

Brooklyn commuter Victor Conde, the brave passenger that rescued Saia, said he had intervened when he saw her in trouble and ordered her attacker to 'Get the 'F' off the train.'

A man, pictured left, is said to have punched a woman, pictured seated, after she asked him to move. A good Samaritan, pictured right, steps in 

A man, pictured left, is said to have punched a woman, pictured seated, after she asked him to move. A good Samaritan, pictured right, steps in 

Video showed Conde shouting at the abuser: ‘Get the f*** off the train. Get off the train bro, you just f***ing hit a lady.’

The unidentified good Samaritan is seen restraining the man and warning him that he better get off. 

He said: ‘You hit her in the face. She’s bleeding. Look at her mouth. Just get off at the next stop.’ 

After Conde stepped in, the ‘manspreader’ tried to backtrack and apologize but no one on the train is having it.

It is assumed that he got off.

Speaking about the incident to the Daily News, Ms Saia: ‘This took me by surprise. It’s just a matter of safety. I want my neighborhood to be safe. I don’t want this to happen to other women or men.’ 

She added that she couldn’t understand ‘how you could do that to somebody.’

The video was posted on social media by fellow passenger Anthony Macca.

Mr Macca told Daily News that he did not witness Ms Saia get hit by the ‘manspreader’ but had heard the argument break out and started filming shortly after.