Suspended Tory MP Charlie Elphicke is backed by locals

Suspended MP Charlie Elphicke has been backed by his local Conservative party colleagues.

The 46-year-old, who represents the constituency of Dover and is a member of the Treasury Select Committee, is facing a police probe following allegations against him.

In a short statement, Keith Single, chairman of the Dover and Deal Conservative Association, said: ‘As far as we are concerned, Charlie Elphicke is innocent until proven guilty.

‘Charlie Elphicke is a hard-working, professional and dedicated MP who campaigns tirelessly for his constituents.

Charlie Elphicke MP, who represents the constituency of Dover and a member of the Treasury Select Committee, is facing an investigation following the claims

‘We have not been told what these allegations are and will not be commenting any further at this stage.’

There was no sign of Elphicke at his Dover home on Saturday. 

Conservative Party Chief Whip Julian Smith, who was appointed by Theresa May as part of a mini-Cabinet reshuffle on Tuesday, last night said: ‘I have suspended the Conservative Party Whip from Charlie Elphicke MP following serious allegations that have been referred to the police.’

Mr Elphicke tweeted: ‘The party tipped off the press before telling me of my suspension. I am not aware of what the alleged claims are and deny any wrongdoing.’

The 46-year-old served as a whip between 2015-16 under former prime minister David Cameron.  

He is also a member of the European Research Group of pro-Brexit Tory MPs and has called for stronger border controls. 

The nature of the police probe has not been disclosed, but it comes amid a wave of sexual allegations against politicians in Westminster.

Just hours before Mr Elphicke was suspended from the Conservative party, Labour MP Clive Lewis was accused of giving a woman’s bottom ‘a big squeeze’ as he hugged her at his party’s conference in Brighton in September.

The 39-year-old alleged victim said: ‘We had a hug and while we were having a hug he gave my bum a big squeeze,’ the woman told the Independent.

She added: ‘My friend who was there, a fellow [constituency party] delegate… me and him looked at each other and our eyebrows went ‘whoaaa’.’

‘You kind of jump. I didn’t feel grossed out. I definitely laughed. It felt like if you are hugging a mate. I don’t know. It was over familiar. I had never met him before.’

The former Labour frontbencher has denied the allegations, saying: ‘I don’t as a rule at packed Labour Party conferences grope people’s bottoms when I greet them. It’s just not how I roll, it’s not what I do.

‘All I know is that I would not deliberately do that, do what’s alleged. I completely deny that.

‘I’m feeling pretty taken aback by it all. It’s not been a great week for Parliament. It’s been a pretty tough fortnight.’

And Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins has been suspended following allegations that he ‘rubbed his crotch’ on party activist Ava Etemadzadeh – something he ‘absolutely and categorically’. 

Ms Etemadzadeh, 27, has said she initially complained to the whips’ office about Mr Hopkins around three years ago. It is alleged Mr Hopkins ‘rubbed his crotch’ on Ms Etemadzadeh and that he sent suggestive texts.

Labour MP Clive Lewis (left) was accused of giving a woman's bottom 'a big squeeze'

Kelvin Hopkins 'absolutely and categorically' denied allegations he sexually assaulted a party activist

Just hours before Mr Elphicke was suspended from the Conservative party, Labour MP Clive Lewis (left) was accused of giving a woman’s bottom ‘a big squeeze’ and Kelvin Hopkins (right) ‘absolutely and categorically’ denied allegations he sexually assaulted a party activist

Mr Corbyn’s office was aware of the allegations before he made Mr Hopkins shadow culture secretary last summer. 

In a statement issued by his solicitors, Mr Hopkins denied claims he acted inappropriately following a Labour student event.

The MP said: ‘I absolutely and categorically deny that I in any way engaged in any such inappropriate conduct. I simply put an arm around her shoulder to give her a brief, slight hug just before getting in to my car.

‘I did not hold her tight. I did not rub any part of my body, let alone my crotch, against Ava. She waved me off as I drove away and did not say anything whatsoever to suggest that anything had occurred that upset her let alone revolted her.’ 

Sir Michael Fallon has also resigned as Defence Secretary within the past few days after it emerged that he reportedly touched journalist Julie Hartley-Brewer’s knee in 2002. 

Although former Tory minister Anna Soubry yesterday said anyone with a brain knew that ‘Kneegate’ was not the reason for Sir Michael’s resignation. 

It has also emerged that Sir Michael was forced to quit after Cabinet colleague Andrea Leadsom complained about his behaviour, it has emerged.

Tory sources said Mrs Leadsom, the Leader of the Commons, complained directly to Theresa May about ‘vile’ language used by Sir Michael towards her at a parliamentary meeting six years ago.

The former Defence Secretary is said to have told Mrs Leadsom, who had complained of cold hands: ‘I know where you can put them to warm them up.’

Sir Michael is alleged to have been ‘tactile’ and put his arm around Mrs Leadsom in what a source described as ‘unwanted attention’.