Swiss TV ad shows woman killed in crash by drunk driver

A Swiss advert has shocked viewers by showing the graphic death of a young woman at the hands of a drink-driver. 

The hard-hitting ad shows a tragic end to a night out in an effort to encourage young people to choose a designated driver before they go out drinking. 

The violent scene is also meant to illustrate that even a small amount of alcohol can be extremely dangerous for someone driving a car.


It comes as Nicolas Kessler of the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention warned that while drink drivers are usually involved in 10 per cent of all accidents, the figure rises to 22 per cent at Christmas and 35 per cent at New Year.

The TV ad, broadcast in French, German and Italian, begins with three young women walking tipsily back to their car after a night out drinking. 

As one of them wobbles on her high heels, the narrator says: ‘Tonight Alex will kill someone, not intentionally, but that is exactly the problem.

‘If only Alex had decided who was going to drive before the aperitif.’

The TV ad, broadcast in French, German and Italian, begins with three young women walking tipsily back to their car after a night out drinking

The girls are seen doing the right thing, as one of them stands by her car to open the passenger door, and leans across the roof as she hands the keys to a more sober friend. 

But then another car appears from nowhere and knocks the woman flying in a fatal collision, as her body thumps nauseatingly to the ground and her friends’ screams are too late to save her. 

The camera then switches to the young man driving the car, who is revealed to be the ‘Alex’ the narrator had been talking about. 

The girls are seen doing the right thing, as one of them stands by her car to open the passenger door, and leans across the roof as she hands the keys to a more sober friend

The girls are seen doing the right thing, as one of them stands by her car to open the passenger door, and leans across the roof as she hands the keys to a more sober friend

He is seen trembling through his cracked windscreen, while his terrified passenger runs away from the scene.  

The narrator says: ‘If Alex had decided before the aperitif who would drive, Maria might still have been alive. That is tragic because it was only one aperitif.’  

The dramatic video was made as a partnership between the Swiss police and the Council for Accident Prevention.

It was broadcast in the three national languages with the motto ‘drink or drive: you have to choose’. 

The dramatic video was made as a partnership between the Swiss police and the Council for Accident Prevention

The dramatic video was made as a partnership between the Swiss police and the Council for Accident Prevention