Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra weekend weather: Heatwave warning for millions

Emergency services are battling floods and fires across Australia’s east coast while the west swelters through extreme temperatures.

Cities on the east coast are all set to see showers and cloudy conditions this weekend while floods and fires continue to affect Victoria and New South Wales.

Showers hanging over Sydney on Friday will partially clear into cloudy weather on Saturday and Sunday, but temperatures will cool.

A high of 21 on Friday will fall to 19C and 20C on Saturday and Sunday alongside a minimum temperature of just 12C.

Showers over Bathurst on Friday are set to clear in time for the perfect conditions for race day on Sunday.

High temperatures are set to hit norther Western Australia and Northern Territory this weekend (pictured, forecast for midday Saturday)

Daytime temperatures for the Bathurst 1000 are forecast to sit between 17C and 22C while winds of 15 to 20km/h ease through the day.

The weather in Canberra is looking slightly cooler with a top of 17C on Friday coupled with cloudy conditions that will hang around all weekend.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service issued a warning on Friday for residents around the state to prepare their bushfire plans with the rest of spring set to be hotter and drier than average.

‘It has been a busy period for firefighters, with almost 400 fires occurring across the state since last Friday, including the Bega Valley, Mid-Western, Hunter and North Coast areas,’ it said.

‘We’d like to thank our RFS members and fellow firefighting agencies for their efforts in protecting life and property. We’d also like to thank the community for listening to the advice and warnings from all agencies.

‘While conditions are easing, hot, dry and windy weather is forecast to return next week. 

‘It’s important you and your family are prepared and know what you’ll do if threatened by fire.’

Weather for the Bathurst 1000 on Sunday is set to be sunny with daytime temperatures to sit between 17C and 22C (pictured, sunrise from Mount Panorama on Friday)

Weather for the Bathurst 1000 on Sunday is set to be sunny with daytime temperatures to sit between 17C and 22C (pictured, sunrise from Mount Panorama on Friday)

Flooding in Victoria’s Gippsland region has eased since Thursday but several communities still remain under a watch and act order.

Residents in Port of Sale have been warned to clear of the town as flood waters continue to affect homes and roads.

‘It is not safe for people to return to Port of Sale. If you have not evacuated, you should now shelter in the highest location possible,’ VicEmergency said.

‘The Thomson River is likely to exceed the moderate flood level, 3m, early Friday morning and may reach the major flood level, 4m, late Friday morning.

‘This evacuation warning is likely to remain in place for 12-24 hours or until floodwater has receded.’

Weatherzone meteorologist Maryam Al-Ansari said an upcoming dry spell will help floods clear.

‘The previous system that just passed through brought significant rainfall and increased river heights,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

‘That system was predominantly over New South Wales, so its runoff came through to Victoria in addition to melted snow on the mountains.

‘Those factors increased river heights and resulted in the flooding. Flood warnings have remained in place but we are not expecting significant rain in the area in the next few days.

‘Hopefully, that will see river levels fall back to normal levels by early next week.’

New South Wales Rural Fire Service said it has battled almost 400 fires (one above) in the last week and warned residents to be bushfire ready

New South Wales Rural Fire Service said it has battled almost 400 fires (one above) in the last week and warned residents to be bushfire ready

Melbourne is likely to see showers on Friday with southerly winds reaching 20 to 30km/h.

Conditions will partial clear to cloudy on Saturday and Sunday. 

Adelaide isn’t expected to see any of the rain affecting Victoria with cloudy weather forecast for Friday before a sunny weekend with high temperatures in the low 20Cs.

Friday is set to be Hobart’s coldest day with a maximum temperature of 13C coupled with showers.

The weather will stay cloudy through the weekend but it will be slightly warmer with a top of 15C on Saturday and 17C on Sunday. 

Cloudy weather in Brisbane is expected to develop into showers on Saturday before partially clearing on Sunday. 

North Western Australia and the Northern Territory are forecast to see high temperatures this weekend with Broome’s maximum temperatures set to only just fall short of 40C through to next week. 

Darwin is expected to see a top of 35C on Friday and Saturday and 33C on Sunday.

Clouds over the city are set to clear on Saturday before more move back over from Sunday.

Perth is predicted to see slightly cooler weather with high in the low 30Cs on Friday and Saturday before it cools to 25C on Sunday.

Cloudy weather and showers are forecast for Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane and Canberra this weekend

Cloudy weather and showers are forecast for Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane and Canberra this weekend



Friday Sunny. Max 33

Saturday Sunny. Min 16 Max 31

Sunday Mostly sunny. Min 14 Max 25

Monday Partly cloudy. Min 13 Max 25


Friday Partly cloudy. Max 19

Saturday Sunny. Min 8 Max 20

Sunday Sunny. Min 8 Max 22

Monday Sunny. Min 9 Max 23


Friday Possible light shower. Max 15

Saturday Cloudy. Min 9 Max 15

Sunday Partly cloudy. Min 6 Max 17

Monday Cloudy. Min 7 Max 16


Friday Shower or two. Max 13

Saturday Cloudy. Min 5 Max 15

Sunday Cloudy. Min 6 Max 17

Monday Partly cloudy. Min 7 Max 17


Friday Partly cloudy. Max 17

Saturday Mostly sunny. Min 0 Max 18

Sunday Partly cloudy. Min 1 Max 19

Monday Mostly sunny. Min 2 Max 21


Friday Possible late shower. Max 21

Saturday Partly cloudy. Min 13 Max 19

Sunday Partly cloudy. Min 12 Max 20

Monday Sunny. Min 11 Max 24


Friday Partly cloudy. Max 27

Saturday Possible shower. Min 16 Max 24

Sunday Partly cloudy. Min 14 Max 23

Monday Partly cloudy. Min 14 Max 24


Friday Partly cloudy. Max 35

Saturday Sunny. Min 24 Max 35

Sunday Mostly sunny. Min 24 Max 33

Monday Partly cloudy. Min 24 Max 34

Source: Bureau of Meteorology
