Tamara Ecclestone divides viewers as she breastfeeds on TV

Her new reality series, Tamara’s World, divided opinion before it even aired with fans aghast at her glamorous lifestyle and lavish treats for her daughter.

So it was no surprise that Tamara Ecclestone divided viewers during the first episode of her ITVBe show on Wednesday as she defended her decision to breastfeed Sophia, three. 

Explaining her decision, the daughter of billionare F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone explained: ‘As soon as Fifi [Sofia’s pet name] was born  she headed straight to the boob!’ For her it’s such a natural thing and we should continue.’


Controversial: It was no surprise that Tamara Ecclestone divided viewers during the first episode of her ITVBe show on Wednesday as she defended her decision to breastfeed Sophia

Tamara’s husband Jay Rutland added: ‘She believes in breastfeeding, she believes quite passionately in it. I support her in anything she wants to do. I think she’s doing the right thing.It’s the most natural thing in the world.’

The heiress reasoned: It’s not just about food, it’s about comfort and i think that’s really important for mother and child.

‘It’s the right thing for me and Fifi and you just have to get on with it and not care about what anyone else thinks.’ 

Sweet: Explaining her decision, the daughter of billionare F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone explained: 'As soon as Fifi [Sofia's pet name] was born she headed straight to the boob!'

Sweet: Explaining her decision, the daughter of billionare F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone explained: ‘As soon as Fifi [Sofia’s pet name] was born she headed straight to the boob!’

Despite her sentiments, viewers were divided by the scenes, which saw Tamara breastfeeding on camera. 

Fans tweeted: ‘I really love the free thinking @tamaraeccle but… I do think 3/4 is just too old sorry to anyone that disagrees  #TamarasWorld’; ‘Breastfeeding at 3 years old? Really? #TamarasWorld’ 

‘#tamarasworld if it’s not your boob keep it zipped’; ‘breastfeeding at 3 years so fifi can stop when she is ready? Will she only go to school when she is ready? #TamarasWorld’ 

Another quipped: ‘#TamarasWorld people loosing their minds over her breast feeding.. who cares. I cant get over the fact she keeps her bread in the fridge?’ 

Bonding: The heiress reasoned: It's not just about food, it's about comfort and i think that's really important for mother and child. 'It's the right thing for me and Fifi'

Bonding: The heiress reasoned: It’s not just about food, it’s about comfort and i think that’s really important for mother and child. ‘It’s the right thing for me and Fifi’

Divided: Despite her sentiments, viewers were divided by the scenes, which saw Tamara breastfeeding on camera

Divided: Despite her sentiments, viewers were divided by the scenes, which saw Tamara breastfeeding on camera

Elsewhere on the episode, Tamara shot down reports that she wants another child, despite previously admitting that she was considering expanding her brood.

Addressing the camera, she explained: ‘My life right now is very fulfilled, very happy. I honestly couldn’t ask for anything more.’ 

Indicating to herself, husband Jay and daughter Sofia as being a trio, she continued: ‘The triangle is the strongest shape so we’re going to stick with that.’ 

As Jay questioned: ‘Maybe it will be a square at some point’, she shot back ‘no!’ 

Supportive: Tamara's husband Jay Rutland added: 'She believes in breastfeeding, she believes quite passionately in it. I support her in anything she wants to do. I think she's doing the right thing.It's the most natural thing in the world'

Supportive: Tamara’s husband Jay Rutland added: ‘She believes in breastfeeding, she believes quite passionately in it. I support her in anything she wants to do. I think she’s doing the right thing.It’s the most natural thing in the world’

Tamara also revealed in the documentary that the couple have more than 50 staff helping to run their home, including a chef, cleaners and personal assistants.  

She doesn’t, however, has a nanny as she revealed: ‘I don’t have any help with Fifi, I’ve never had a nanny, I’ve never left her apart from the three hours at nursery. 

‘I can’t imagine not being there for her. Since having Fifi it’s all about things that make a three year old happy. I try not to spoil Fifi but sometimes its hard not to. I live by the motto go big or go home.’ 

She added of her little one: ‘I have more fun with my three year old than most 33 year olds. It’s like living the world again as a three year old. I hope when she grows up we can continue to be best friends.’ 

Three's company: Elsewhere on the episode, Tamara shot down reports that she wants another child, despite previously admitting that she was considering expanding her brood

Three’s company: Elsewhere on the episode, Tamara shot down reports that she wants another child, despite previously admitting that she was considering expanding her brood

Tamara was always been an outspoken advocate of breastfeeding, standing defiant in the face of her critics. 

She previously wrote in an impassioned Instagram rant: ‘Find it a very sad and surprising sign of the times and the world we live in that the act of breast feeding your child evokes such hatred in so many bitter people.

‘I am astonished that breast feeding mums get such a hard time as there is no reason why we should.’

Busy couple: Tamara also revealed in the documentary that the couple have more than 50 staff helping to run their home, including a chef, cleaners and personal assistants

Busy couple: Tamara also revealed in the documentary that the couple have more than 50 staff helping to run their home, including a chef, cleaners and personal assistants

She continued: ‘I would never ask someone when they will take away their toddlers bottle or follow on formula or cows milk or dummy or comforter nor do I judge those who choose to formula feed their children of give them cows milk.

‘I support and empower all mums and I personally believe hatred is so heavy and bad for the soul.’ (sic)

Tamara – the daughter of billionaire Formula One tycoon Bernie Ecclestone, 86 – told her followers she was doing her ‘best’ for her daughter, and couldn’t understand why others were so ‘angry’ about her parenting decision.

Defiant: Tamara was always been an outspoken advocate of breastfeeding, standing defiant in the face of her critics

Defiant: Tamara was always been an outspoken advocate of breastfeeding, standing defiant in the face of her critics


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