Tanya Bardsley reveals she attempted suicide three times as GPs ‘threw’ her antidepressants

Tanya Bardsley has revealed she has previously attempted suicides three times.

The former Real Housewives of Cheshire star, 41, believes she tried to take her own life as antidepressants from GPs ‘upset the chemicals’ in her brain, before being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 40.

Speaking on GB News, Tanya confessed there was always ‘something different’ about her and that she often wondered why she struggled to mix with people.

During a virtual appearance on Saturday Morning with Esther McVey and Philip Davies, the model explained how the discovery made everything in her life ‘clearer’.

She said: ‘All my life I just knew there was something different about me I just couldn’t mix in and I always wondered why everyone else just found living life so easy, and I found everything so hard, just a list of tasks.

‘It upset the chemicals in my brain!’ Tanya Bardsley has revealed she attempted suicide three times as GPs ‘threw’ her antidepressants before diagnosing her with ADHD

Brave: Speaking on GB News, Tanya confessed there was always 'something different' about her and that she often wondered why she struggled to mix with people

Brave: Speaking on GB News, Tanya confessed there was always ‘something different’ about her and that she often wondered why she struggled to mix with people

‘It wasn’t until my 40th birthday that I got diagnosed with ADHD and everything sort of made sense, but leading up to that I’ve been to doctors the past 20 years about crippling anxiety and inner restlessness.

‘All the doctors and GPs just threw me antidepressants, which of course is like giving flu tablets to someone who’s got a broken leg.

‘So that upset the chemicals in my brain as well as the ADHD which led to me having a breakdown.

‘It was like living with 17 TVs on in my head at the same time, and I tried to commit suicide three times.

‘Luckily, I’m very, very bad at trying to take my life, thank god. I’m laughing about it now but it’s not a laughing matter. I just try to see the funny side.’ 

Role model Tanya previously spoke of the torment she suffered at the hands of cruel bullies which left her wanting to take her own life.

The television personality, who is married to footballer Phil Bardsley, said she threw herself in front of a moving car in her younger years.

She told Esther and Philip: ‘I’m really really very passionate about trying to raise awareness and just trying to get the word out there and to help other people.

Awful: Role model Tanya previously spoke of the torment she suffered at the hands of cruel bullies which left her wanting to take her own life (pictured in 2021)

Awful: Role model Tanya previously spoke of the torment she suffered at the hands of cruel bullies which left her wanting to take her own life (pictured in 2021)

‘The waiting lists are so long for people to get diagnosed, two to seven years. Seven years, it’s just so long.’

When asked why diagnosis tends to take longer with females, she replied: ‘Boys normally get picked up because they’re more disruptive, but there’s also the more internal side, the inner restlessness, the noise in the head.

‘We’re better at masking it and we’re not as disruptive to teachers and everything, we’re not a problem to anyone.

‘And we’re not good at speaking about it and telling people what’s wrong with us, so we sort of fall under the radar.’

She added: ‘I did a lot of studying of the mind, so I get hyper-focused. I used to hyper-focus on bad thoughts, which we used to take me to like trying to complete suicide.

‘Now I’m trying to steer away and focus on the positive and whenever I’m hyper-focused, I can get a lot done and then I’m just lying in bed for a couple of days, just completely burnt out.

‘The turning point in my life was just being diagnosed and just knowing about it and being aware about it so I know when to rest, I know the tools to use.

‘So I just think it’s really, really important to get the message out there. Some people might not be depressed, they might not be anxious, it might just be undiagnosed ADHD.’

The influencer recently explained how the bullying, as well as her needing to change schools often as he family moved around due to her father’s work with the army, made her feel very unsettled.

Speaking to to Johnny Seifert on the Secure The Insecure podcast, Tanya said: ‘I tried to take my own life. I’ve tried to complete suicide three times in my younger years. Luckily, I failed every time which I’m so glad about.

‘But I jumped in front of a car that particular time, and I’ve managed to swerve out the way and thank God because I just dread to think what that poor guy would have gone through if he’d have hit me.

‘I think the universe has got bigger plans for you and maybe I had to go through that, too.’

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Couple: Tanya is married to former Manchester United footballer Phil Bardsley

Couple: Tanya is married to former Manchester United footballer Phil Bardsley

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