Teacher sent lewd letters and nude photos to teenage boy

  • LaToya Nicole Parker, 40, was said to have abused a 17-year-old teenage boy from St. Charles High School in St. Charles, Maryland 
  • The ‘brazen’ actions were said to have occurred from January until May of this year as she tried to seduce the student 
  • Parker would allegedly take the boy out of his classes and treat him to meals at different restaurants 
  • She was said to have sent nude photos of herself – with some involving sex acts – to the student
  • The family and consumer science teacher was charged with sexual abuse of a minor, sexual solicitation of a minor and displaying obscene material to a minor 

LaToya Nicole Parker, 40, was said to have abused a 17-year-old teenage boy from St. Charles High School in St. Charles, Maryland

A former Maryland nutrition teacher has been charged with sexual abuse of a minor. 

LaToya Nicole Parker, 40, was said to have abused a 17-year-old teenage boy from St. Charles High School in St. Charles, Maryland. 

The ‘brazen’ actions were said to have occurred from January until May of this year and were alleged attempts at coaxing the male student.

Parker would allegedly take the boy out of his classes and treat him to meals at different restaurants. 

It was also reported that she wrote ‘love notes to him’ that progressively got more and more vulgar and demanding of the student sexually. 

Parker was said to have sent nude photos of herself – with some involving sex acts – to the student. 

The family and consume science teacher was first brought under investigation in May when the boy shared what was going on with other students who then told adults about  the abuse. 

The family and consume science teacher was charged with sexual abuse of a minor, sexual solicitation of a minor and displaying obscene material to a minor for the alleged incidents that took place from January to May of this year

The family and consume science teacher was charged with sexual abuse of a minor, sexual solicitation of a minor and displaying obscene material to a minor for the alleged incidents that took place from January to May of this year

Maryland State Police confiscated the woman’s phone and found 50 photos and one video that match what the victim was accusing the teacher of.

Parker was placed on administrative leave after reports of her misconduct had been given to the sheriff’s office. According to the school principal, she was assigned to the administrative building temporarily.

She was charged with sexual abuse of a minor, sexual solicitation of a minor and displaying obscene material to a minor. Parker was also ordered to be monitored electronically and she is not allowed to have contact with a minor. 

Her bond was set at $20,000. 


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk