Team Zerafa refuse to apologise for ugly scenes and shift blame to Tommy Browne’s corner for post-fight brawl

  •  Team Zerafa say opponent’s corner were to blame for ugly scenes
  •  Michael Zerafa’s brother punched an opposing trainer on Wednesday
  •  Zerafa’s brother claims he did ‘what any brother would have done’

Team Zerafa are not apologising for a shocking post-fight brawl in which Michael Zerafa’s brother punched an opposing trainer on Wednesday night.

‘The Pretty Boy’s’ bout against Tommy Browne descended into chaos after a fracas broke out between the fighters’ teams in the middle of the ring.

Browne withdrew hurt after a dominant first round from Zerafa, citing an injury to his bicep as he quit on his stool.

Australian boxer Zerafa, unimpressed with his opponent’s withdrawal, expressed his anger towards Browne with a verbal tirade, prompting the loser’s coach, Tommy Mercuri, to march the boxer across the ring.

That led to floods of people from both camps entering the square circle, with Zerafa’s brother, Jason-Manuel, bursting through the ropes and making a beeline for Mercuri.

He was then seen connecting with a right hand on the coach’s chin in shocking scenes.

The ugly scenes led to outrage on social media and boxing pundit Peter Badel called for a life ban to be imposed against Zerafa’s brother.

‘I don’t think his brother should be involved in boxing again. That was disgraceful,’ Badel said.

Tommy Browne’s trainer was punched by Michael Zerafa’s brother in ugly scenes in Sydney

American boxing legend Shawn Porter said he wants to see the matter ‘go to court’.

‘That’s unacceptable. If Michael knows his brother has the ability to do that… he shouldn’t be in his corner,’ Porter said.

Zerafa’s brother, dressed in a grey tracksuit, was promptly removed from the premises.

However, the team insist that they are not to blame for the ugly incident. 

‘Team Browne started it, team Zerafa ended it,’ Michael Zerafa posted to Instagram after the bout. 

In another post, he wrote: ‘So everyone turning on my bro, but no one saying nothing about his trainer taking swings at me,’ Zerafa posted on Instagram.

‘Trainer tries to attack me and my bro is the bad guy, come on guys.’

Michael Zerafa has defended his brother's actions

Team Zerafa say they didn't instigate the brawl

Michael Zerafa took to social media to defend the actions of his brother after the bout

Zerafa's brother says he was defending Michael

Zerafa's brother is standing by his actions

Zerafa’s team were unrepentant after the ugly scenes on Wednesday night

Zerafa was incensed that the fight was stopped early and chaos ensued

Zerafa was incensed that the fight was stopped early and chaos ensued

Zerafa’s brother is also not backing down from his actions, insisting Browne’s team kicked things off. 

‘Tommy Browne’s corner attempting to attack Michael Zerafa after Michael got the win, I did what ANY brother would’ve done,’ he posted to social media.

‘Cannot play victim after attempting to attack a fighter.’

Speaking after the event, No Limit boss Matt Rose said the actions of Zerafa’s brother were unacceptable.

‘We don’t accept the sort of behaviour at all and unfortunately people get caught in situations that they shouldn’t, but he’s gone now,’ he said.
