Teen burns his BUM in a New Year’s Eve firecracker prank

A 17-year-old boy has been hospitalised with severe burns to his backside, and four more men have been injured in separate incidents all involving illegal firework explosions.

Ambulance Victoria state health commander Paul Holman said that it was ‘stupid behaviour’ that landed the men in hospital.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Walton said on Monday morning that the ‘only downside’ of the 2017/2018 New Year’s Eve was the use of illegal fireworks.


 Four men and a teenage boy are recovering from injuries from accidents with illegal fireworks

 A 17-year-old boy with severe burns to his bottom was admitted to Royal North Shore Hospital

 A 17-year-old boy with severe burns to his bottom was admitted to Royal North Shore Hospital

The Cromer Heights teen was severely burned after a ‘dangerous prank’ involving a firecracker went painfully wrong, according to 9NEWS.

Emergency services transported him to Royal North Shore Hospital with serious injuries just after 10.30pm on Sunday night.

In another incident, a 34-year-old man was seriously injured when a firework exploded in his hand at a property in Caroline Springs west of Melbourne. 

ABC reported that the man is recovering in hospital as police continue to investigate the incident. 

Just after midnight, another man aged in his 30s was flown to hospital after a firework exploded in his face. His injuries are described as ‘non-life threatening’.

Emergency crews also attended a house on Clyde St in St Leonards after a man suffered a hand injury while trying to light an illegal firework at midnight. He was admittted to hospital for treatment.

A 42-year-old man from Brunswick West also sustained hand injuries while trying to light an illegal firework.  

Ambulance Victoria state health commander Paul Holman said playing with illegal fireworks was 'stupid behaviour' after four men and one teenage boy landed in hospital with injuries

Ambulance Victoria state health commander Paul Holman said playing with illegal fireworks was ‘stupid behaviour’ after four men and one teenage boy landed in hospital with injuries

Emergency crews attended a property on Clyde St in St Leonards after a man hurt his hand

Emergency crews attended a property on Clyde St in St Leonards after a man hurt his hand

In the Sydney city area, there were 13 arrests made including seven for assaulting police and investigations into two brawls in Pyrmont are ongoing.

However in Victoria, police made 238 arrests in Victoria – up by 55 from last year.

Despite this, authorities have deemed last night a fantastic success’ and say that they are ‘overall pretty happy’ with the behaviour of crowds across Australia. 

Meanwhile a terrifying incident in Terrigal saw onlookers screaming and running on the beach as the display malfunctioned, setting off all the fireworks at one in the direction of the audience.

Terrified onlookers screamed as a Terrigal fireworks display malfunctioned on Sunday evening

Terrified onlookers screamed as a Terrigal fireworks display malfunctioned on Sunday evening

‘A wave has come and upset the barge and set off some fireworks, and that then unfortunately [set off[ the fireworks in the direction of the crowd on the beach,’ explained deputy police commander Jeff Loy.

The two firework operators present on the barge when it caught alight were forced to jump into the water, sustaining minor injuries.

Paramedics assessed the pair and transported them to hospital after a boat rescued them from the water and took them back to the beach.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk